oh yea

I'll tell you what, whether you liked the movie or hated it. I think the scene with the mirror was one of the best "scary" scenes in a long while. It wasn't something that was gory and just shocked the viewer, but rather you had to catch it. I don't know about you, but if my reflection did that I'd be out of the bathroom in a heartbeat

"Hey guys... Big gulps huh........ Welp, see ya later."


what happened in the mirror?
Please tell me i missed it!

Cant we all just get along?

i guess not

did anyone notice that this: was from unreal tournament 1? Anyone? anyone?


okay i just saw it nvm. Anyway it wasnt that bad. id turn and say. "Well, hello!" like the gecko in the gieko commercials. then if he tried to hurt me, weeeeeeeeell... id jus squirt toothpaste in his eye or something like that.

Cant we all just get along?

i guess not


You're a moron.
