scariest part

i like david thowy so im partial to this movie. i liked pitch black before it got as big as it is now, i think hes a director that will make big things happen in the future. while this movie lacked some things that coulda made it excellent it was still pretty gripping and made you wanna know exactly what happened. i just wanted to know what everyone whose seen this film and what was the part that scared them the most.

for me it was the face poppin up on the screen when bruce greenwoods characther turns the corner. it was the first time i actually yelled out loud of being scared at a film. i still cant watch this part when it comes on..

thanks all..

..been dazed and confused for so long..


In my opinion this is an extremely underated movie. I loved it and I just recently bought it on DVD. When I first watched it last summer on TV there was not a speciffic part or a scene that really scared me but I remember being scared the night right after I watched, the whole movie relied on the element of "something is waiting for you in the dark" which seems to get to me sometimes. Also knowing that you can't leave a submarine was kind of scary too. It doesn't seem that scary now but it's still a good film.



Well I think the biggest "Did I just see what I thought I did?" was when Odell and the other two are in between the two hulls after Coors dies and Odell thinks he see's Winters' face in the water but looks again and it's gone, realized he's all alone. I also loved the subtle things in the movie though like after the thermograph is explained and after a scene, the camer tracks out to show the thermograph drop and hit bottom. Also, near the end when the light is dropped, the hatch is opened, and the light is turned on, it cuts to Loomis and Odell arguing on the bridge and the lights flicker and I was like "everyone on board just burned up...." Oh yeah, the rest of the movie is pretty scary too.


i think the moment at the mirror was scary as hell.


The bit where Loomis is looking in the mirror and you can see that something is not quite right the movements are off by a fraction of a second and then when he turns around and you see it moving differently and his reaction.....needless to say i kinda avoided looking in the mirror that night.

Hudson: Hey Vasquez you ever been mistaken for a man?
Vasquez: No. Have you?


Nick Chinlund was the scariest part in this movie for me.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


How about when Brice's posessions are ejected from the captain's cabin (by Winters or just a chance roll of the boat?) and then Odell pulls the curtain back as the lights go out. Brice has a split-second view of Winters, then we get a stunning two shot sequence.

Brice, half-lit by blue light at this, his turning point in terms of his mental breakdown. It's his first supernatural vision, Loomis has just died, the crew has just died, he's being eaten up by guilt, and Bruce Greenwood summed this all up in a single jaw-agape shot.

Brice's pupil dilates and we push through it into blackness and then the razor bow of the Tiger-Shark pushes into view. Nowhere else does the sub look so menacing, so driven, so...posessed.

These just make me go wow everytime I see them.


the scariest movie I've seen in recent years. I think it's scarier than the Exorcist movies or the Ring movies. The scariest part for me is the Loomis looking into the mirror scene, where his face in the mirror turns into the face of Winters' ghost.


yesss the bit where they pull back and the curtain and the dead captain is in there scared me sooo much the first time i saw it!
i was watching it with my mum & i was like "ohmygod ohmygod! did u see that?!"
mwaha. scaredy old me.
x Laura


i will have to agree with the mirror was unsettling to watch and even more so unsettling as my night progressed. we all just take for granted (obviously) that our reflections will match. it gave me pause.


The mirror scene was brilliant, with the initial "What the?" from the guy as he turned his head left and right and saw that the reflection didn't match, and when the reflection does match, he breathes his sigh of relief and turns away, and then we see his reflection turn and look at him! That was really well done. Also the part where the girl (sorry, I forget names) closes the captains locker slowly. For some reason I thought fingers or something were going to pop out of the gap, so when the gap became too small for fingers to pop through I relaxed, which made the next moment where the locker door suddenly flies open even more scary for me! Great film.


The whole movie was great. One of my favorite horror movies, especialy out of the ones to come out in the past few years. The whole movie was so creepy, and just had a feeling like, you can't escape. It was the same way with Dead End, another unknown that was great. The mirror scene tho was the creepiest in this movie I think.



another scary part was when Loomis had just got out the shower and [i think its when the ship above them is dragging those spikey things about, cant for the life of me remember what they're called] everyone is panicking and Loomis is just strutting about nude.

and you get to see his rear.


lmao! xD

x Laura


Loomis refers to them as "hooks", although I think their full name is just Grappling Hooks? Definitely the mirror scene for me too, although I was really disappointed that they didn't take the scare factor much further, and that it ended the way it did.

With the final "scary" moments, I thought they were just getting started. I wanted the dead captain waiting in every dark foreboding corner. I wanted the fear to transcend into a state of paranoia, the possibility that the dead captain’s reflection may appear in any shiny metal surface onboard the claustrophobic submarine. Perhaps his silhouette disappearing around the corner at the end of a long gangway, or knowing he could be lurking in the shadows next to you... Breathing.

I just don't think they tapped into these elements enough. Or perhaps they were banking on the Less is More technique.

Maybe they were hindered by the budget, or maybe they just didn't push the envelope. Either way, I still thoroughly enjoyed it and give it a solid 4 stars.
In retrospect, it should probably be more like 3 stars, but I'm a sucker for submarine movies.


The scariest parts for me are:
1) the scene after Brice finds his stuff on the hallway, when Odell draws the cutrain and as the lights gradually turn off Brice catches a glimpse of Capt. Winters' ghost and
2) near the end, when Claire is alone in the Captains quarters reading the log, and realizes what trully happend to her hospital ship, she slowly turns the flashlight and sees in the shadows Capt. Winters' ghost sleeping in the bunk

I love this movie!


Probably when the girl shuts off the light, and you hear the footsteps pass right by her. Total breath-holding moment.


I just watched this movie tonight. I would never buy it or anything... but I think its at least worth a rental. felt like the movie could've been much scarier. (not necessarily more gory. it was fine with the limited gore.) but as I've heard its a low budget film.

1) When the woman is going through the captain's quarters and all of his stuff flies out of his locker. that was scary.

2) The mirror scene!! ugh! gives me the chills.

3) When the team is trying to repair the ship. one of them has a huge like meat hammer in his hand. and I just had this sickening feeling that something bad was gonna happen... and it did. lol. "I mean... accidents happen? right??"

"Wow. a snack and an ego stroke. I wish I was a baller."


Mine is kind of strange, the mirror scene was freaky, but this freaked me out even more....
When the submarine made sudden steep descents and the interior of the vessel became noticably darker and you could see their breath. For some reason, that really freaked me out.
If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


I was extremely impressed by the scene where the men discuss that old cliche that they are already dead. I don't know if it was the dialogue or just good acting but it was very effective. At first when the man said what he thought I didn't react but given all the authenticity of the film it got me thinking about the war and I really got my head in the picture. It was creepy, that feeling the men have that they maybe dead. Very effective.

Also the growling while Olivia Williams is in the dark and the captain behind the curtain, pulling upward.

So impressed by this very well written film!


Oh yeah... the whole mirror scene definitely. Since the start of it when his reflection's movement slightly off from being parallel to his. It's like someone else inside copying his movement. Creeeeepy!


Jason Flemyng's American accent? Shouldn't slag him, I suppose - at least he tried for an accent in this one - have you seen 'The Bunker'?

"That, - Captain Bligh, - that is the thing; - I am in hell, sir - I am in hell."


The part where the MIRROR wasn't doing quite what he was - Fookin' BRILLIANT!!!


the mirror scene is EXACTLY why i do not like mirrors in the dark! or anything reflective actually, and a bunch of other stuff! but it was creepy in general...

with the guys thinking they were dead already, gotta remember sailors in general are very superstitious


The mirror scene. Especially the look in Loomis' eyes when he turns away -he looks like a man who knows he is truly damned.

And -because it could be real- that little flicker of lights that is all that shows of an entire crew burning to death.

I prefer Imaginality to reality.


. . THAT scared the living beep out of me. It was like something from an early pre-Marvel Comic Book like TALES TO ASTONISH.

I liked BELOW, in spite of its occasional uneveness, but it had some real scary scenes. Maybe I'll never look in a mirror again.


I have to agree, I've just finished watching the film and am watching it again. I think it's very original and clever scene. Holt McCallany reminds me of Jake Gyllenhaal.

Put your trust in the Lord, your ass belongs to me.


The mirror scene scared the bejesus out of me. Especially when he turns his head away and his image turns straight ahead. The look on his face tells you he senses the image is looking at him.


I would go with the mirror scene too


This really is a mass under rated movie. It needs some time at the top.

Death By DVD, every Friday night at 11 PM Eastern!
