MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > Coors (Possible Spoilers)

Coors (Possible Spoilers)

OKay.. So I'm prepared for spoilers, I've seen part of it anyway but I Had to go somewhere as Odell Coors and the other two guys were going out to do something out of the submarine, Anyway I was wondering if Coors does die and if he does does he come back and haunt them or is Scott Foley/Coors only breifly in the movie at the beginning. Thanks

-Tobi B


The repair expedition ends in disaster. Lt.[j.g.] Coors is killed, but not before some exposition on what happened when the Tiger Shark sank the German sub-tender. Suffice to say that his account is filled with half-truths. And his body language makes evident that Lt. Coors was considering the murder of Ensign Odell.

There is a commotion inside the boat and somehow Coors cracks his skull and dies. When Ens. Odell, seamen Wally & Stumbo attempt to recover Coors' body, an apparition of the late Capt. Winters appears. They flee the space between the inner and outer hulls in panic.

When back inside the boat, Lt. Loomis asks what happened to Ens. Loomis and then realizes that it was Lt. Coors who did not come back alive. Then something starts banging on the hull. Lt. Brice asks if it is Lt. Coors. Mr. Wallace assures the captain that whatever it is it is NOT Lt. Coors.

To know more, find or rent the movie. I do not want to spoil what I thought was a cracking good ghost story. I saw it on IFC so it may repeat there.


But didn't Coors drop the metal hammer on someone? I'm pretty sure that he was the one that saw the ghost and drop the hammer and fell...the one who had the hammer dropped on him -.-

I'm weird...I know...Don't ask


We see that Coors has perhaps bad intentions towards O'Dell and then slips and drops the hammer... We are afraid for O'Dell, but he is in fact okay and Coors hit metal supports as he fell, because Coors had 'the curse', but not O'Dell... IMO


Yes I agree with fubokuen. We are made to think that perhaps the hammer has fallen on O'Dell's head and that it is he who is dead, but it is actually Coors.


Coors had (probably) been instructed to kill O'Dell if a good opportunity presented itself--that's why Coors had been chosen to accompany O'Dell in the first place ("the buddy system"). Like many things in the film, it is not spelled out but you can put two and two the ensuing dialogue, it is clear that Loomis expected the party might come back with one person missing--and he is surprised that the missing person is in fact Coors, and not O'Dell.

If anyone had told Coors that "It wouldn't be a bad thing if you somehow arranged that O'Dell doesn't come back from the repair mission," that person would have been Loomis.

Coors hesitated to kill O'Dell because he had a fleeting moment of morality, and felt that murdering another person (to help hide the mistake, and to help hide the Captain's murder) made the "wrong" that much wronger.


Also, when the three return but have not yet unmasked, I am pretty sure Loomis says, in the confusion, "Where is Ode --- .... Coors!?" Catching himself quickly once he realizes it is Coors (not Odell) who has not returned.


Holy crap...I thought that was an editing mistake or something...that Odell hadn't come down the ladder yet. I never thought about it that way.

And THAT is where babies come from.


In the film maker commentary on the DVD, they do add the back-story to that scene and indeed, yes, the whole reason Coors was sent with O'Dell was to get rid of him; his death being easily dismissed as an 'accident.'

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."
