MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > The haunted submarine

The haunted submarine

Interesting concept...the haunted submarine. I'm serious. You have haunted sea-going ships, haunted castles, and haunted houses all the time. I've even seen a movie about a haunted 747 passenger jetliner. I've seen a movie about a haunted train.

Like the haunted 747 and the haunted train, each features the elements of limited and restricted spaces and the inability to leave the location for obvious reasons.

BELOW was an interesting movie. I read some criticism on this movie. But it deserved better. The movie was on a short, limited release. I watched the movie late at night to an almost empty theater. It was plenty spooky to watch at the time.

I can actually recommend this movie as a good ghost story. Two-and-a-half stars out of four. That means worth a good look.


In the future we might even have haunted space ships and haunted space
Our belief in ghosts is always going to be with us and so will our ability
to imagine their presence.
Some things will never die no matter how advanced our technology gets.

By now I wonder how many people have reported their computers to be haunted?
Maybe the reason why someone's pc isn't functioning too well is that it might
be possesssed by some evil spirit as opposed to malware or virus infection.
That might be an idea for a ghost story.

Hmmm. Maybe I better call the local exorcist instead of the geek squad
to do something about my computer.
It's been acting sort of strange lately.

Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)


Doesn't Event Horizon count as a haunted spaceship movie? And Buffy had a demon haunting the internet way back in the 90s in an episode titled 'I, Robot... You, Jane'. No really.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


I've read a lot of the "true" ghost stories that people write in on websites that collect them, and I do remember a least a couple of people saying that they would hear "something" start typing on their computer keywords when they were across the room.


It's a fantastic concept to be sure. Trapped underwater in what really amounts to a big tin can? No way out, no place to go...watching as system after system is destroyed or disabled.

The fact that I'm terrified of open water probably influences my opinion, however.

And THAT is where babies come from.


Read a good book once about a WWII U-boat brought back from the sea bottom and it turns out to have these zombie things living in it.
