MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > Very weak Das Boot clone, with ghost add...

Very weak Das Boot clone, with ghost added

This movie was so bad. Firstly, when the movie starts it is precisely Das Boot but with less realistic people and a crappy hollywood song accompanying the ship. The first thing that came to mind was that the makers of the film loved Das Boot, but had to make an American version of it. Then they went nuts and decided to add a ghost.

The story itself is equally implausible, what idiot would target a hospital ship? That happened on the Eastern Front, but in the West noone would deliberately attack such a ship. Especially if you are on an Allied submarine in the Atlantic in 1943, I figure you would check your target for markings 10 times before firing. The way a German ship perfectly matches a Royal Navy type ship is equally stupid, weren't they targeting a commercial ship that can have 100's of types?

The setting of the movie was simply very poor. The ghost wasn't very scary either. If you like the tension of people on a submarine, with an ocean full of enemy ships above you, Das Boot remains unbeaten by far and is actually scarier than this so-called horror movie.




agreed, das boot is one of if not the best film I have seen.


I think you have missed the poitn of this movie. It was a good film. 7/10.


The story itself is equally implausible, what idiot would target a hospital ship? That happened on the Eastern Front, but in the West noone would deliberately attack such a ship. Especially if you are on an Allied submarine in the Atlantic in 1943, I figure you would check your target for markings 10 times before firing.

Then the attack submarine USS Sturgeon must have checked the markings on the Montevideo 10 times before torpedoing it and killing 1000+ Australians...

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


I was thinking "Das Boot" the whole time as well, and craving a better film. I found this positively tedious, short of thrills or any real drama. 4/10 stars from me.


I feel comparing this to Das Boot may not be fair.
I don't feel the producers of this film were trying to imitate Das Boot
at all.
They were simply trying to make a good psychological thriller or ghost story
in a maritime submarine setting.
In this respect I think they did a good job.
It may not exactly be like The Grudge but I found it a more welcome change from
the usual haunted house scenarios.

The pace I admit was slow at times but the story itself was engrossing like
a good mystery novel.

Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)


I would agree. There was no attempt here to "clone" Das Boot. Other than the fact that they are both set on WWII subs, the stories have nothing else in common.
