MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > The Sub was tooooooooooooo big

The Sub was tooooooooooooo big

I've seen Below yesterday, was a fun movie to watch, but had some flaws in it.
The grabling hooks??? Like a medium sized destroyer would thow out hooks to dammage a submarine?? Yeah right and getting caught in something else or being pulled down by the submarine itself...

But the funniest thing, the submarine was like a castle, it was so big, the crew had so much space, complete cantine build in....even modern submarines are smal and cramp. In the movie/series "Das Boot" they really make you feel claustrofobic being in a sub, but in Below they really missed that.


Ah, so you're Dutch? ;) I watched it as well yesterday on rtl 7 although I've got the film on DVD twice. One with the extra features and the other one in a 4-dvd-box..I thought the film was very good, not bad-looking actors either :P But indeed the submarine was quite big..What did you think of the film?

Why are 30-ish British actors so damn sexy?


I'm Dutch indeed, but not interested in British male actors.....maybe female actors..the female actor in the movie was nice looking..

The film was entertaining but I still don't know what happened, was it the ghost of captain Winter or just a curse on the vessel.
Why did he take revenge on the whole ship instead of just killing his fellow officers who betrayed him..
How the hell did that one guy manage to leave the sub on the bottom of the sea and actually trying to swim to the surface instead of being crushed by the pressure underwater instandly.
The submarine was way too big, more like a cruise ship..
And the funny grabling hooks!!

but overall, was a nice movie to fill the evening with, together with a can of beer haha.


Lol ah okay :)About the grappling hooks...maybe if the hook got caught in the submarine the ship could free itself of the hooks so they couldn't be dragged to the bottom of the ocean.

Why are 30-ish British actors so damn sexy?


I seriously doubt a conventional, battery powered WW2 sub could pull a destroyer under... Besides which, once they've hooked it, they know right where it is, and how deep. Pretty easy blow up at that point.


I am no expert on American ww2 subs, but i do love sub movies. First thing, American subs was much biger then German subs (But not so good, americans was much better for comfort for the crews, the germans was faster and could dive much deeper).

I have seen one other uboat movie whit the same type of uboat like the one in this movie, Run Silent Run Deep (1958). In Run silent run deep the uboat looks very simular in size, so I dont think below is to unrealistic in that erea.

The uboat in the movie Das boot was a VIIC, this uboat was 67m long.
The american sub in below and RSRD was around 100m I think.


yeah it might be longer, but there was no sub and there still is no sub nowadays with a complete restaurant inside were sailors can sit and relaxe all together without sitting on eachothers lap.

it was a little to comfortable, modern sub are HUGE!! but still small and cramp


You're right, the sub is bigger than it should be. In order to make filming easier, they increased the size of the sub's interior by about 30%, if I remember correctly. They explain this on the DVD audio commentary.

Additionally, German ships never used chains to hunt for subs (as they did in the movie). However, Japanese ships DID. Also, the dive gear you see the characters use when they try to patch up the oil leak is authentic British dive gear, not American.
All of this is pointed out on the DVD audio commentary. :)

The AvP Online Encyclopedia


Its a good thing this is a movie.



Reality Check: I have spent many, many (many!) hours aboard a submarine like the one portrayed in the movie (i.e., the former USS CAVALLA(SS/SSK/AGSS 244), often giving impromptu tours) and was very favorably impressed with its depiction. To tell he truth, the rendering of the interior of the boat wound up being the main reason I bothered to keep watching the movie once I realized how silly it was. U.S. "Fleet Boats" were much bigger and less cramped than German U-boats of WWII (and have I spent an afternoon aboard U-505 in Chicago with 10 rolls of film to prove it) as well as even something like a British OBERON Class circa 1980. While it is true that the filmmakers expanded some spaces a bit the overall effect was not a gross distortion.


Yeah but NOTHING beats the Red October! That sucker was as BIG and long as the Hindenburg!




First thing, American subs was much biger then German subs (But not so good, americans was much better for comfort for the crews, the germans was faster and could dive much deeper).

Back in the early '50s, I served on a WWII boat, USS Cobia (SS245). After refitting, I remember us going down to a test depth of 300 feet and getting back up really FAST once that test was done. When I read about the U-boats going down to 600 feet, it was quite a surprise.

You're right on the comfort level - we even had air conditioning. When I was transferred to the USS Picuda (SS382), she was being converted to a snorkel boat up in Portsmouth, NH. We heard about "some old German sub" being berthed nearby, so we went to take a look. She was rusty and had long streamers of seaweed streaming from her hull and looked pretty sad. It was the U-505, which later went on display in Chicago.

We were stunned to see how primitive things were - their diving wheels and vents were all operated manually while ours were hydraulically activated. We did an emergency loss-of-hydraulics simulation dive one time and it was pretty strenuous to heave on the handles to open them. We had a length of pipe to slip over the regular handle to give us more leverage. We had nine compartments and could still surface if one was flooded. The U-505 had, I believe, five, and if one flooded, you were gone. One thing we got a kick out of was that despite the spartan living conditions, the officers' wardroom had some kind of fancy wood trimming, like mahogany.

We came away with a grudging admiration for the guys who went to war in those primitive boats (by our standards) and marveled that they did so much damage with them.


Ha! watch episodes of VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA-they could rent out their gangways as 2 car garages, and their missle room could fit a 3-bedroom rambler

as for BELOW-to many contrived "BOO!" moments


what about that Julies Verne Classic with Kirk Doulas, there was a cruse ship sub for ya


Really? I thought it had plenty of suspense moments. The only contrived "boo" moments to me was when the British doctor would get repeatedly startled by Odell, but I think that was meant to be humorous.

And THAT is where babies come from.


We did all the interior shots in a set in Pinewood Studios, England. From the outside the submarine looked like a bunch of boxes put together. From the inside, it looked like a submarine, allbeit, a little big. Walls of the boxes could be taken away revelaing the interior to allow filming. The German gets shot and a crewman rushes into the end of the corridor. Hello, that's me, the only ex Royal Navy - infact any navy - in front of the camera on the boat!


The issue of the grappling hooks is covered in the commentary, as is the issue of the scale of the submarine.

As David Twohy says, why let the facts get in the way of telling a good story?

Grr. Arg.


Sure, though me i'm partial to get the fact, if not all, at least the good majority of them right. It does help make the movie better. Yet, i really liked this movie. Better then most movies made wth 10 times the budget, and with much more imagination and gusto.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


by the way, the Russians have subs that are rather spacious, comfortable equipt with swimming pools.

But yes, as to the original poster, as in MOST american movies reguarding sub marines, to much space is given. It does also make it easier for filming.


Grappling hooks were commonly used. Read the lower portion of this page
"My GF is Bi-Sexual, Buy Her Something, she gets real Sexual"


The event described on that web page was in the far west Pacific.. against the Japanese.


actually having been on the submarine they based it on, it was fairly accurate in size and only slightly too large (plus they combined the two engine rooms into one. Most of the innacuracies I found were in the little details.

