MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > Is it possible? (SPOILER!)

Is it possible? (SPOILER!)

I enjoyed this film, very well shot, but I wondered: is it possible to mistake an American submarine for a German one? I can believe they could be very alike, but not identical in shape and measures!

I'm Winston Wolf, I solve problems

And no dream is ever... just a dream...


I believe you are talking about that brit sailor smoking on a hospital ship? then yes. It was dark and I don't think he was an expert in sub indentification.


Yeah, but the captain consulted the book with all the models of submarine, with all the measurements!

I'm Winston Wolf, I solve problems

And no dream is ever... just a dream...


As I recall, Loomis showed Kingsley, the British navigation officer, the U-Boat ident book and Kingsley said he didn't get enough of a view of the 'U-Boat' to identify it.


This actually happened in real life where the American sub the Sturgeon fired upon a prison ship in world war 2 killing 1050 Australian prisoners of war if you look at the Montevideo (the Prison bulk) it looks similar to the hospital ship in the movie
this is a link to the site

Hell is other People



In the North Atlantic during WW2 America had only a handful of subs, less than 20 or 30 compared to Germany which had 400+. Almost anything with a periscope was likely to be German. In the pacific however it was a completely different story.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


I enjoyed this film, very well shot, but I wondered: is it possible to mistake an American submarine for a German one? I can believe they could be very alike, but not identical in shape and measures!

I think you're confusing two scenes. Kingsley was asked to identify the sub he saw, but he couldn't. However, the two vessels that were "identical in shape and measures" were not submarines. They were a German sub tender (a ship - not a submarine - which the American sub thought it was attacking) and the British hospital ship (which is what it actually attacked). When you see two identical silhouettes superimposed, that's Claire discovering that her ship and the German sub tender ship look exactly alike and realizing that it was her ship that the Americans had sunk.

As for whether two ships could be identical in outline? Yeah, sure. Neither was a warship, and they were probably built before the war. In fact, they could have been built in the same shipyard to the same design.


LOL I wrote that post almost 8 years ago! (Just to say I'm still alive and still hanging around here)

I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems.

And no dream is ever... just a dream...


Just to say I'm still alive and still hanging around here

Me too! And we joined within a month of each other.

Oh, for the good old days of 2004, when the world was young and innocent. :D
