MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > Why is this movie so hard to find

Why is this movie so hard to find

Not available on amazon instance video, not available on netflix streaming, on netflix DVD it states its a very long wait(I waited 2 months and still never received it). Does anyone know why it's so scarce? I finally ordered it for purchase through a seller on amazon but hate doing that. I'm not big on buying movies but in order to see this that obviously was my only option.



You can also find it in one of those horror combo packs at Walmart. If not there then try amazon: SJX6O/ref=sr_1_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1374880763&sr=1-4 &keywords=midnight+horror+collection


I'm watching it now on Netflix in the UK.


The blu ray looks and sounds awesome!!
Took them a LONG time to put this out in HD. It is a double feature with Darkness.
Got mine for $4 at Best Buy!
Have been waiting since invention of blu ray for this jewel to come out. Its finally anamorphic (filling your HD TV screen) unlike the horrible looking DVD.


It is on Starz on Demand. So if you have Starz look for it or get the On Demand if you have that.


there's a really good 720p version available on youtube. dont buy it.


To answer the question Why? Because it only made $600,000 which is crazy low for a movie.


Yep, it sank like a stone at the box office and barely made half a mill. It's a bit of a shame because whilst it's not exactly good, it doesn't seem that bad.🐭


I found this movie in a $5 bin w 8 other awful horror movies on the same dvd. This looks like it's going to be the only decent movie on the disc
