MovieChat Forums > About a Boy (2002) Discussion > Anyone else hate Susie?

Anyone else hate Susie?

Am I the only one that finds her really, really irritating? I can't stand her accent and she's as flat as a glass of water. Even after Fiona's tried to top herself she has no emotion except this horrid chirpiness.


I agree; the woman had no sense of humour at all! Definitely my least favourite character in the film.


<Am I the only one that finds her really, really irritating?

How? Will lied to her, she's entitled to be angry.

<I can't stand her accent

That's just childish.

<she's as flat as a glass of water

That's why...they didn't end up together? Will just wanted sex and she wanted a meaningful relationship. He's a joker, she's serious.

<top herself she has no emotion except this horrid chirpiness

Well what is she going to do in front of a fragile 12 yr old boy? Crying in front of kids makes them even more fragile. Fiona was going to be fine so Suzie was doing her best to make Marcus calm.




I LOVED Susie! her acting was perfect.

all of her lines pop so perfectly, they just sound so melodic coming out of her voice with its interesting accent.

like, 'What's the song then? Well, we must've heard of it if you can live off it!'

and in the dialogue with Hugh,
'susie. where's megan?'
'With her Dad. Where's Ned? At his mom's?'

To Marcus: Come on slowcoach!

Love the way she says those lines.


I liked her a lot too and kind of think she might have been a better ultimate choice for Will than Rachel The only time I thought she was irritating was when she goes to Fiona's for Christmas and discovers Will is there but then Fiona is much worse in this scene, eager to kick out an invited guest to her dinner because her friend is uncomfortable! That was Fiona at her worst, especially after all Will had done for Marcus - and her. The fact that Susie could laugh and apparently "forgive" after Will cracks his joke about Marcus and the duck (to shut up will Marcus from unintentionally embarassing his mother) shows what a good sport she was.


The thing that bothered me was that fake laugh when Will mentioned "throwing a great loaf at the duck" during the christmas party.



Well I wouldn't say I hate her but I agree she is irritating. It's a pity Marcus isn't old enough to understand that.
