Teen Cribs

My roommates were watching Teen Cribs this morning... spoiled teenagers that don't have to work because their parents are so rich flaunting all the useless, expensive *beep* they don't need. My favorite part was when this kid showed the camera crew this light on his bathroom water faucet that turns the water blue when it's cold and red when it's hot. I have a similar system of determining water temperature: I run my hand under it. I wanted to stick my finger down my throat after watching this show.

Count each day as a gift; you never know when the wrapper paper's going to run out.


That kids house was crazy. Everything was so over the top that it was borderline tasteless.


I was watching teen cribs last night for one episode. I dont really get it, who are these kids? Are they famous at all? Or they just have rich parents randomly? They didn't really say?


Yea the kid with the blue and red water and the slide in his house. wtf does his parents do? that house was insane.

When the chips are down, these civilized people will eat each other


Most of these kids just have parents or guardians who are ridiculously rich. Even though we claim that those houses were over the top and tasteless we have to admit the house are way better than what we live in. I mean who would not move in to one of those houses if given a chance. Come on!

Dance like no one is watching.


Shows like Cribs are one of the reasons we are in this economic crisis. Middle class Americans were convinced by these shows that they needed this crap and banks and credit card companies convinced them they could afford it. Hopefully some of the parents of the Teen Cribs brats had to sell or lose their homes because of bankruptcy. That would be funny.
