someone had to...

someone has to start this, what/who (in your opinion of course) is Godot


Godot is someone/something that we DO NOT want to wait for.


Godot is David Ortiz.


Godot could be God,
he is said to be the one to solve both didi's and gogo's problems, thats why i think it could be god. Also there is religous intertextuality (the tree may possibly be the crucifix, and they make reference to the crucifixion of christ).
i'm not really a religous person, i just saw this in the play.


Its highly unlikely that it is God, as when someone asked Beckett he replyed, no, its not God or i would have called him God.
That makes it fairly cut and dry i reckon.
Although if you want it to be God, its kinda up to you, as you can interpret however you like.
Another theory is that it is Godeau a cycling expert, as Beckett was meant to be fasinated with what he deemed to be the perfect blend of man and machine, but again i dont really buy it.
I like to think of him as a random man with no significance, as it fits the play quite well!

I didnt say it was your fault, i said i was going to blame you!




Sorry, but in my opinion "Godot" is the title "character" in the most overrated play in theatre history!
No discussion needed! I know I'm in a distinct minority but I've been bewildered and bored by this work for over forty years.
And I am a semi-professional actor too.
Go figure.


It could be that Godot is quite literally a man who they are waiting for. Beckett might merely be destroying the whole notion of meaning in this play. We are the ones that bring the metaphors to the viewing.


jhb-4: then could you please stop forcing your opinions on the users of this forum? honestly, what's the point of reviewing the film adaptation of a play you hated in the first place? and being an actor is hardly qualification for your commenting on the subject. "no discussion needed" indeed...

and godot himself is not important; it's the waiting.


'and godot himself is not important; it's the waiting.' -p griffiths69



I have to agree, at this moment of my life I think the emperor is naked. Not sure if it will change, but there are much better works in literature.




Pehaps not "God" in a conventional sense, but it certainly works beautifully that GODOT can be arranged to for GOD TO, as in WAITING FOR GOD TO [COME], which, of course, is an absurd farce - a complete waste of time - for it is the very antithesis of how one is to go about "finding God."


I have had to Study the play for nerly a year now. In HSC Drama in Australia, we two choices, the two our class did were Australian Contemporary Theatre & Theatre Of The Absurd. Our prescribed text for absurdism & in 4 days I sit the final exam for it. In class, I read an interview with Samuel Beckett, & he said that Godot was whatever we wanted him to be. I find this is much like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Tarantino said that what was in the briefcase was up to the individual.So, if you wanted Godot to be god, he would be God. If you wanted him to be a cyclist, he would be.

Yawn, stretch. Snore.


Godot is whoever you want Godot to be. Beckett didn't have one message he was trying to get across but he wanted the person watching it to make there own meaning. So you are all right....


I agree that it's both pointless and impossible to pin down Godot, and even though the word can be arranged so that it says "To God," or "God to," it should also be pointed out that backwards it says, "To dog." There are actually a lot of dogs in Beckett's work. Anyhow, the most important word in the title is "Waiting," not "Godot."

For questioning is the piety of thought - Martin Heidegger


I studied the play in a contemporary literature unit at uni. Godot, in my oppinion, is the meaning of life. Their lives have no meaning because they don´t do anything to change it. They just stand in the way waiting for Godot, but you don´t have to wait for "him", you have to find it for yourself.


The two are tipped off that he is indeed coming though...?

Like strawberries and cream
It's the only way to be =P


Godot I believe is God or something that we wait for our entire life but never comes, for most this is God. The fact that Beckett has said that Godot is not God for some casts more suspicion on the fact that it is, since Beckett was known to throw people off by not telling the truth.


Beckett, when asked what the play is about, said it is about nothing. He is toying with his audience when they ask him what his stuff means. Its up to you.



Godot is any reason. any point. any thing/event/object anticipated.


Exactly, if anything I think the play is a commentary on overinterpretation. They can be waiting for God, waiting for absolutely nothing, waiting for a real person. Beckett had no intended meaning, but the discussion is still left open to the viewer/reader.


Godot is God that`s for sure


Yeah, I agree. He's god (the clue's in the name).

Also, doesn't the boy describe Godot to Vladimir as having a white beard and long hair? Just as God has sometimes portrayed?



He's there personal sex-slave...

