Worse than the acting?

I find it hard to decide, what was worse in this movie, the acting or the story? While Crassius is a reasonable performance, the rest of the movie is not. I can't be sure whether it's under rehearsed, over rehearsed, or just plain bad acting, but everyone who knows anything about films will tell you that even the best script will fall flat if it isn't backed up with solid actors.

That said, I guess the level of acting is a direct result of the level of the script. Nuff said.


I think it suffers from a tired story. Plot line number 12. Little kid looses family at young age, grows up with a goal of seeking vengence on the evil doers that killed her family. It kinda has elements of Joan of Arc (growing up to become a leader of her people) mixed with the basic origin of Xena (Growing up to seek revenge on those who ruined what would have been a beautiful peaceful life.

I just recently rented this title one because the title caught my eye. Anything with Amazons will be at least titalating but often will suffer from lack of high quality either technically or performance wise. I also rented this title because I noticed that Mary Tamm (who in the 80s played Romanna 1 in the BBC Dr. Who Series) was in it - The Amazon queen.

What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it?


Did anyone else notice that it was made in Lithuania?
