LEARN HOW TO ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my opinion, Mike Binder cannot act, at all. The role could have been more elaborate/ more elegant, but rather he made it a perverse mockery. More a whiny idiot than a real man. I swear, if i have to hear him whine about something one more time, I'll shoot myself.

The saddest part is, he is directing a 9/11 movie, starring Adam Sandler. Imparting wisdom...........





That's kind of harsh. He didn't write his dialogue, and I thought that he did a great job with what he was given. He played his role to the hilt and I never held the opinion that he undercut it on any scenes. Of course, you're entitled to your opinion but I have to disagree.


I sorta think that the person they mean to be the main character has be a Lester Burnhan-esque fellow (American Beauty), in the beginning. A loser who doesnt really fit in anywhere and only somewhat with friends. Mike plays a rather sad, useless fellow, always apologizing. I mean, what is up with that, ain't the guy got even the hint of a backbone. I know not everyone can pull off a Kevin Spacey performance but falling so short is totally unbearable.
And to the guy who called me a fag, only a fag would enjoy the sorta sh*t that the guy does and would stick around to watch, so suck it! suck it long, suck it hard!


I guess it depends on your age group. I know at least 3 guys like Mike's character, not quite as extreme, but totally whipped. They want to be one of the guys, but they have to match any action with confessionals and groveling to the Mrs. Problem is, they rat you out in the process of unweighting their guilt. I believe the extreme nature of the character is to take it to an unnatural level for comedic effect and discussion. After all, if we just want to see everyday people, doing predictable actions in life, do we really
need to tune into a tv show?
and hey jinson, chill. if you answer the name calling, you're just letting
them drag you down into the muck. Stay a cut above and ignore it.



I haven't seen in anything else, but I don't think he was good in this show.


He was new at making a show at that time and didn't have a good feel for what he was doing. The first seasons of a lot of shows like Seinfeld and Star Trek: The Next Generation, you can tell are still figuring out what they are.
