Isn't this the same show as.....

Isn't The Mind of the Married Man the same as Dream On?


I think the similarities are kind of arbitrary. The tones of the shows are very different. They are both early single camera sitcoms, on HBO, that occasionally feature the fantasies/thoughts/dreams of the male protagonist.

Beyond that, it's not too similar.


i just told my wife that. dream on just had the cut aways of old shows as answers i think. i used to love that show. i'm seeing this show for the first time. watching the first season straight through.


Just told my girlfriend the same thing!! I confuse the two shows all the time. She's never seen either of them, so it's all extra confusing to her.


I wouldn't say they are the same, but both of them are IMO extremely underrated HBO shows. Critics really trash on MOTMM and just sort of dismiss Dream On. Unfair in both cases.

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