It Wasn't All That Bad

I won't dare to say that Curse of the Talisman was great but it wasn't a total dog either. I was entertained by some of it, for some reason, I found trying to figure out what country the movie was made in particularly amusing. Some of the character's diction and the accents gave me a big hint that it was not made in the U.S.A. Especially, when one of the characters makes a comment about "typical uni-jock". That's something an American would be very unlikely to say, sort of like an American calling a buddy, "mate". Some of the actors nailed the American accent flawlessly, but Jeremy's father and Jeremy sounded kind of different, like Irishmen who lived a long time in the U.S. or Americans who lived a long time in Ireland...Curse of the Talisman had a certain amount of moxy to it as well. The movie dared to be uncool. Having the kids play Dungeons & Dragons was so uncool, it was in fact rebelious by Hollywood standards, which makes it so uncool it becomes cool. Curse of the Talisman isn't going to make me forget something like Constantin or the Prophecy but it was a cut above the Warlock movies. If you're channel surfing and happen across it like I did, it might not be the worst thing on at the time---then again, the only other thing on when I watched Curse of the Talisman was infomercials. By the way, I was right, the film was made in Australia. Which makes me wonder, why do films like this one and Darkness Falls try to simulate being shot in the U.S. ?


I saw this movie a year ago on a bus ride in Guatemala. It was dubbed into Spanish and subtitled in English, which made it even more fun to watch in the bus with no air conditioning (not to mention the Guatemalan highways). Regardless of how bad I am making my experience sound, I rather enjoyed it. It awakens memories of a place etheral and indelible like flatulence that lingers, saturates, and moves on. These are my words.


why do films like this one and Darkness Falls try to simulate being shot in the U.S. ?

because they suck. this movie sucks. the accents suck, the acting sucks, the camera work sucks, the story sucks. Pretty much its just the *beep* movie ever, specially the scenes with the kid and his dad. I bet his dad hates him so much.


yes it was

very very bad

but still


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn



I found it fairly entertaining. There was some funny dialogue in it and a fair bit of inventive hokum. There are gargoyles still on English church buildings.
