Silly, fun & romantic

I'm a somewhat macho guy; well, I'm NOT a metrosexual and I love watching this movie on DVD every few years. It's amazing to see Rodney in top form for his age, albeit slowing down a bit, naturally. Sure, an 80-year old perpetual bachelor wooing a 30 or 40-something widow/divorcee is stretching credulity, but we still want to believe it, and we do.

The actress who plays Rosa is sexy and alluring but in a "Mary Anne" sort of way. The bad guys are bad and they get their comeuppance. There is the obligatory interrupted wedding scene and the good guy gets the girl, just like it should be.

Rodney re-hashes a few lines from his stand-up routines over the decades, but not nearly as many as from his previous movies.

What's not to like about this fun flic??
