
Why does Bungle walk around naked then put pyjama pants on at the end of each show?



Geoffrey's own words:

Well, nobody knows, well, I do know, because, somewhere along the line, there’d be a programme about getting ready for bed. The old perennial, mum’s and dad’s getting their kids to bed and going through all the palaver of cleaning your teeth and getting your pyjamas on and doing your buttons up properly. It would have come out of a programme about getting ready for bed and I think that was how the hair curlers came about as well. Just the campness to be honest, and it kind of stuck. I suppose we used to fool about a bit in rehearsals, everyone getting in bed there together. But that’s because at rehearsals the three puppeteers, you know, you’re not like in the proper set as it were. It was like the three people there all cobbled up together, so someone would blow off or someone would do something naughty.

Full interview here:


