
Sorry if this repetitive - did Goren ever have a relationship/fling on the show?



BUT, Nicol Wallace was the only thing that came close to a relationship.... LOL. She actually played his emotions because she could and then he learned how to play back. They were actually a perfect match.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


They were a perfect match? Not by a long shot. She was a clever criminal. Bobby had faced many smart criminals before.

Nicole was a prostitute and a serial killer. Bobby was a smart detective with a strong sense of integrity. I think romantically speaking, Bobby could do a lot better than a prostitute and serial killer. Please, give the man some credit.


Yes he did Alicia Witt's character. Had a fling with her.



Kerri- I think it's one thing to know something intellectually and even be repelled by it but to feel the chemistry between two polarly opposite people. Nicolle was all the things you listed. She was also extremely intelligent and about the only person who could go toe to toe with him. I also think that his crusader personality was drawn to rescuing "that sparkling little girl". People are complicated. They do things for more than one reason. They want what is bad for them. They choose what is opposite to their nature. No one has said that Bobby would ever be with Nicolle. But I definitely saw an attraction.


I didn't sense any attraction between Bobby and Nicole. I only sensed irritation and frustration on his part, and cold-hearted taunting on her part.

However, I did sense that Bobby had a small attraction to Nelda, the one who killed the radio personality. Although he was just playing her, he was attracted to the kindness in her personality (aside from being a murderer.) At least he liked Nelda enough to give her a souvenir badge. He also liked the Neil Patrick Harris character enough to get him to admit remorse so that he was saved from death row. Even though those two characters committed heinous crimes, Bobby knew there was a tiny bit of goodness in their hearts.

I never sensed that Bobby felt like that about Nicole at all. He seemed to have disgust and contempt for her.

A lot of people also think Goren and Eames had a thing for each other, but I don't see that one either.

I realize that my opinions are in the minority, but if I'm going to be a "shipper" I'm going to ship it the way I want it, lol. This is the way I choose to see Bobby.


If you re-watch the 1st pairing of NW and Goren (2x3, Anti-Thesis), you can see it -- they're definitely attracted to and sparring with each other, and that attraction is at least partly, if not largely or entirely, bc each is fascinated by the way the other's brain works. Nicole, tho a sociopath, has a 1st-rate intellect, just as Goren does; you get the sense that neither has met his/her intellectual match before.

And I agree with you re: his chemistry with the woman who killed the radio personality.

As the character evolved beyond S1 and became more clearly eccentric and living-in-his-brain-to-the-exclusion-of-all-else, his loner-ness became essential -- plus, the more we learned about his family (how needy and demanding his addict brother and mentally ill mother were), the clearer it was why he would avoid emotional intimacy with anyone (even close friends).

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


No, but in the first season he is seen talking to an attractive stockbroker about a case he's working on. She is apparently a former girlfriend, because when she mentions her current boyfriend, Bobby says "Irene, you're breaking my heart." And she says "you blew your chance."

This is the only time we see any girlfriend of Goren's.


No but Logan did Barek.

