The Best Parts

What are the bits, or even whole episodes, you can watch over and over? This came to mind as I watched Wally give the probability tutorial in Probability. I still think it's terribly funny. Or Bobby's goofy celebratory dance in Unrequited. Or the nun's confession in Acts of Contrition- so compelling. Or Eames's killer "So fabulous!!" speech in Baggage. Or Goren's muttered pissy "I hate the beach..." Anyway, my favorites. What do you love?



Stephen Lang in Revolution, just nails it so well. If they ever do another Die Hard, he really needs to be the bad guy.

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!


You're so right- what a great performance! And really well written, too.


I love 8.11 "Lady's Man" ,especially when Goren hands the cuffs over to Eames. The Good Doctor from s1, Goren really plays on the suspects arrogance.


I like the fact that Bobby gives Eames the cuffs but it always bugged me the way he slams into Mulroony. Bobby never used to make the power play after the fact. It's brutal and he's not Stabler.


The eps with Rita Moreno as Goren's mother -- she's amazing.

"Slither," with Michael York. Amazing guest stars, and a very very very disturbing slice of life (the quest for money + fame + power).

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."
