MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2001) Discussion > Had the JL series continued what would y...

Had the JL series continued what would you liked to have seen?

If it had gone on for a season or two more. Who and what kind of stories could you imagine would've been apart of the Justice League, from the final episodes of the series; "Alive! & Destroyer"! Would you outline your own continuation series and imagine if you had the opportunity to adapted any kind of well known comic book stories, as they did with; "For the Man Who Has Everything" (Superman and Mongul with the *black-mercy* plant) and turn them into animated stories for this series.

Well if fans could this is what i'd imagine a continuation of Justice League Unlimited would've provided us had it gone on just a little longer and given us even more elements, from the DC universe!

Justice League Unlimited series continuation envisioned by ST4

* Would've had the Justice League face off against the returning White Martians in the first episode back and it would've been a Martian Manhunter featured episode. Done as a major 2-parter!

* Included DC comics Global Guardian into a story and had them have a rivalry with the Justice League. And would controversially end with some dis-satisfied League members who feel they aren't treated with the proper respect going over to the more 'foreigners' friendly; Global Guardian team!

* I would've had a; "Doom Patrol" episode! and expanded on this group for an episode or two etc?

* Continued the Camdus Project storyarc in several episodes from previous JL seasons and had something involving Captain Atom that would've developed into....

* The villain 'Monarch' appearing in a 3-parter. Captain Atom's bitterness developing him into becoming this uber badboy villain, who one of the DC universe's stronger villains.

* Might've featured the Kingdom Come prequel story of; "The Kingdom" and shown Magog's origin story. Road To Hell, Never Ending Slaughter & Mighty Rivers. And later featured the Kingdom Come story itself in alternate; What If story, towards the season final.

* Done a seperate Captain Marvel story like; 'Power Of Hope' or Trials Of Shazam. A had a story featuring him heavily! Playing out like a seperate TV series pilot for his own series as it were, within; Justice League Unlimited 'trappings', is all.

* Had a proper story that showed off the supervillains; The Extremists! And had Captain Atom lead a team of League members into take'em down, prior to his Monarch transformation, etc! Lord Havok (Dr Doom), Gorgon (Doctor Octopus),Tracer (Sabretooth), Dreamslayer (Dormammu) and Doctor Diehard (Magneto). Done as a 2 parter and referencing their first appearence in the Justice League Europe comics.

* Had a Green Lantern story where they take on the villain Krona.

* Another Lantern story dealing with the return of The Manhunters.

* A comic book story adaptation of the Flash of two worlds storyline. orlds-hc/37-166416/

* A sequel story with the Justice Lords!

* Shown Brainiac's rebirth and reappearence but with Darkseid or Lex Luthor present. Would play close to series final somewhat.

* Shown another Taskforce X/Suicide Squad episode. Showing the group being more firmly established somewhat.

* Done a sequel story to the Superman TAS episode; "Absolute Power". And shown what actually became of Jax-Ur and Mala after the disappeared into a Black Hole in that story. Thus keeping some level of close continuity between WB's animated shows by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini and Andrea Romano etc. And lead into a.....

* An adaptation of the Superman Adventures #21 DC comic (based on Superman TAS) after Jax-Ur and Mala's defeat. And finally showed and introduced General Zod into JL.

* Done an episode where Aquaman join the big 7. And replaces Hawkgirl's spot.

* An episode featuring; Dr Fate, Zatanna, Etrigan: The Demon and introducing John Constantine. And have this magical based group deal with a plot involving Queen Bee! (inspired somewhat from the 'JL-video game'!)

* Featured another Despero episode. Just to keep things somewhat 'cosmic' tone of the show, for the Justice league in dealing with many threats is all.

* A huge episode, with powerful villains deciding to team up; Monarch, Despero, The White Martians, The Manhunters, Brainiac, Zod, Krona, Ares (still voiced by Michael York, now looking as aritst George Pérez drew him in the Wonder Woman comics!) Desaad and a faction of followers and Parademons from Apokolips and GL villain Sinestro.

As bigbads working together and not alone. No minor lacky type villains here either, this group contains only the most dangerous and elite DC villains. In their first order of business, eliminate all opposing forces who stand in their way. As a showing of their combined massive power-structure, they get rid of other powerful villains who didn't join their cause like; Amazo, The Time Trapper and Doomsday! Thus making a huge impact and are a force to be reckoned with!

* An episode with Swamp Thing.

* Had a Wonder Woman episode with her and the League going up against Circe!

* Done an episode that shows the return of Darkseid and Lex Luthor. Who's flashy disappearence in "Destroyer". And combo of the anti-life equation didn't work (Luthor may have lied and used it to merely stop Darkseid's rampage). they confront the *Union* (unofficial name of their group?) of uber villain, with Lex turning on Darkseid to save his own ass. and buss up on Darkseid, as he tries to warn them all of something he saw while in the alternate dimension he and Luthor were in which he knows of but Luthor didn't.

* Season penultimate episode, another comic book adaptation of; "Kingdom Come". 2 parter. Tying into the 'The Kingdom' origin story earlier in the season's outline etc.

* Season final. Justice League confront his Evil Union of uber villains. Twist here is that this time the battlefield isn't Earth but Apokolips. As the heroes and villain battle each other, one villain has a means to unleash something truly terrible. Desaad, who has found a way to release Darkseid's father from the "Source Wall", Yuga Khan! A badly beaten up and hurting Darkseid tries in vain to get the Justice League to listen to him, but they don't ('boy who cried wolf' references) and Yuga Khan is released from the Source Wall!

To be continued..........................


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Reckon after that cliffhanger, and extended run, that this would lead to a final season. and thus would resolve the whole 'Union' of uber supervillains arc and have minor seperate stories going into a final season with as before stories trying to show off as many DC characters as possible and also adapting some of DC's great comic book stories and introducing all-new ones to the Bruce Timm, Paul Dini & Andrea Romano animated universe. Under the umbrela of 26 episodes a season or so.

Justice League Unlimited extended final season envisioned by ST4

* Continued on from the Yuga Khan cliffhanger, and had a 5 episode mini arc where he terrorises the universe. And i mean really, showing how dangerous some of DC comics cosmic villains are. Monarch is powerful, Krona is powerful, ares is powerful, Darkseid is powerful, Amazo is powerful, The Time Trapper is powerful. Yuga Khan would made'em all pale by comparison as he tears a whole throughout the galaxies. This would be Justice League's biggest storyline EVER. and i might've included a few notable deaths to show how much the odds weren't in the League's favor at all, and how they might had to team-up with the supervillain and the heroes of New Genesis, in order to defeat Yuga Khan!

A truly epic JL, Green Lantern Corps & New Gods storyarc with a whole host of DC characters thrown into the mix.

Following on from that the stories would been more grounded and less cosmic tales and dealt with more earth based stories.

* Would have adapted the Action Comics: Superman story of; The Elite. And Superman dealts with Manchester Black and a group of younger more rebellious superpowered team of extreme superheroes who dish out hardcore justice to supervillains, and he'd show'em that there's more to being a superhero than violence and, whats wrong with the old fashion way?

* Brought back 'Vandal Savage' for a story or two. Along with Ultra-Humanite and Gorilla Grodd.

* Had a story showing the supervillains known as the Fearsome Five. The original group; Doctor Light, Gizmo, Shimmer, Mammoth and Psimon. In a 2 parter. And also tied them to the Teen Titans in another episode, who show up and possibly have it out in a episode designed to be like a *pilot* for series, etc.

* Finished of the Green Lantern's storyarc with Krona.

* Been real creative (and brave) and introduced the "Hypertime" concept to the animated series. Thus to explain multi-dimensional stories on different Earths and whatnot.

* Shown off more of the magical based superheroes of the DC universe like Dr Fate, Zatanna, Etrigan, John Constantine, The Spectre, Madame Xanadu, Tim Hunter, Phantom Stranger and whatnot. but would deepen with darker story threads as to an unknown villain behind the scenes in several stories throughout the final season, etc.

* Featured one or two episodes with; Firestorm.

* Would've done an episode where after they've handled a situation they'd decide to split the league off into two groups. thus it'll be like the formation of the Justice Society, by taking all those members who disagree with the "Big 7" on a lot of things, but still are "Leaguers" in their own right. The Justice Society would be very similar to the comics and have as their members; Mr Terrific, Captain Marvel, Hourman, Stargirl, Wildcat, Hawkman, Atom Smasher, The Blue Devil. Jay Garrick, Dr Fate and a reformed 'Galatea' (A.K.A. Powergirl).

* Adapted the Pre-Crisis Adventures Of Superman issue 421 "Trapped in IMP-TV!" featuring Mr Mxyzptlk's deranged cousin; Nzykmulk. And have him cause trouble for Superman and the Justice League in a 2 parter. part one just like the original comic book, but the other expanding into the Justice League. Having an evil version of Mr Mxyzptlk you can toy around with for the animated JLU, is too much to not pass up i reckon.

* With the Justice Society now established, i'd also adapt the graphic novel; Justice League: Virtue & Vice. Featuring a hulked up looking Despero and Johnny Sorrow taking on and dividing the two Leagues, during Thanksgiving

* Had an episode where the Thanagarians, try and make up, for their betrayal of Earth during the events of 'Starcrossed'. Warned them of dealing with the coming of; 'The Great Old Ones' of Thanagarian legends.

* Did another episode with the Global Guardians and Doom Patrol!

* Would've brought in Plastic-Man for a few episodes.

* Had a story where Mongul returns, and has it out with Superman in their bloodiest battle ever. Twist being it'll also feature Darkseid, Doomsday, General Zod, Brainiac, and Magog. Possibly being an episode where a higher power is toying with them deposits them to fight in a gladiatoral battles. twist being maybe it Draaga who was once Mongul's champion and has now somehow came into power of his own, and is now putting Mongul and others to fight to death on Warworld.

Where Draaga got the power (godlike) to place people onto Warworld, and why Superman would play into the series final?

Episode would also be "fanservice" to pit all the powerful foes against Superman in a battle to the death in a action packed episode.

* Done an Legion Of Superheroes episode. But based on; 'The Great Darkness Saga', and featured Darkseid's last appearence in the extended JLU series.

* Monarch would reappear in a final episode. In a story where he face a legion of superheroes hellbent on stopping him finally.

* Had the The Extremists in another story.

* Featured a crossover Legion Of Superheroes story, dealing with; The Time Trapper.

* And finally brought the show to a close with the remaining episode closely 'tied' together, showing that The Spectre. And was behind several of the storyarc tie-up stories (Draaga, The Great Old Ones return, Nzykmulk escape etc) and has gone mad. The final episodes playing out like; "Day of Vengeance", in epic scale!

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I might've also had many of the characters that have already appeared be more central to the stories or fleshed out a piece of the backstory that wasn't mentioned before previously. Like anyshow, after a while you kinda wonder why the one perticular character or plot thread wasn't seen or touched again even though in the character's last appearence, their ending was left ambiguous. Vandal Savage & Morgaine le Fey, being characters from the earlier episodes, i would've liked to have seen again. The show itself as i said, could've gone on much longer and i find the series is sorely missed on the WB's schedule of daily shows these days. Even if we now got Young Justice, Batman: Brave And The Bold. We'll later get a Green Lantern series this year, even though its now in CGI.

I was merely reminiscing over what might've been, and wanted to ask; what if JLU continued? There are so many questions as to what might've been seen had the show gone on longer, figured my thread was a way for me to put some of those ideas down if they could be considered a form of making an 'series outline' of some sort, even if fan made. Just consider it, my passionate way to explore multiple ideas on what could've followed up on the final episode; 'Destroyer'!

If you want to use mine as an example; what possible Justice League Unlimited season ideas do the JLU fans have of their own?!


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I think they never touched on Savage again since, his character peaked in "Hereafter", and seeing him as a villain again after that episode would probably less the impact of his character after that. Oh, well that's what I think anyway. As for your ideas I agree with theses:

* Would've had the Justice League face off against the returning White Martians in the first episode back and it would've been a Martian Manhunter featured episode. Done as a major 2-parter!

* Another Lantern story dealing with the return of The Manhunters.

* A sequel story with the Justice Lords!

* Shown Brainiac's rebirth and reappearence but with Darkseid or Lex Luthor present. Would play close to series final somewhat.

* Shown another Taskforce X/Suicide Squad episode. Showing the group being more firmly established somewhat.

* Done a sequel story to the Superman TAS episode; "Absolute Power". And shown what actually became of Jax-Ur and Mala after the disappeared into a Black Hole in that story. Thus keeping some level of close continuity between WB's animated shows by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini and Andrea Romano etc.

* An episode featuring; Dr Fate, Zatanna, Etrigan: The Demon and introducing John Constantine. And have this magical based group deal with a plot involving Queen Bee! (inspired somewhat from the 'JL-video game'!)

* Had a Wonder Woman episode with her and the League going up against Circe!

* Had an episode where the Thanagarians, try and make up, for their betrayal of Earth during the events of 'Starcrossed'. Warned them of dealing with the coming of; 'The Great Old Ones' of Thanagarian legends.

Why not have the Gordanians (is that what they were called?) invade Earth instead?

Having said that the only real thing I desired from the Justice League was to bring in Batman villains. I'm sure they could have made great episodes with them without putting heavy hitters like Superman, and Green Lantern. I mean just imagine for example if say Scarecrow released a bunch of fear gas all over the watchtower?

I've barely gotten into comics so I don't know must of the big storylines your taking about. Sorry.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


Other ideas
.An episode with Booster Gold with The Big 7 returning to a ruined future may have been good.
.Expansion on the Fire-Flash relationship while fighting Captain Cold
.Diana and Bruce finally get together after an expierence with Joker and Ares
.Captain Marvel returning with a problem involving Dr. Sivana and Black Adam
.Gorilla Grodd mind controlling Earth and the League must fight hypnotized civillians and VILLAINs
.An older Cyborg from the Teen Tians joining the League with fellow Titans, Nightwing, Beast Boy, and Starfire
.Aquaman returning when Starro comes to Atlantis.
.Joker starts a club called Gotham Baddies with Two-Face, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Bane, Riddler, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, and a Bizzro like version of Batman named Batzarro
.An episode with Superboy being made by Eiling
. Episode where Black Lightning, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, and Guy Gardner are presented as new heroes in the League and must defeat Sinestro.
.Finally Starro comes to Earth after getting Atlantis and the Big 7 with a few other Leaguers that weren't captured must save the world with help from The Doom Patrol, Teen Titans( Cyborg and Starfire, Beast Boy, and Nightwing are in this group), the real Justice Society, and a recently resurected Luthor with his group of baddies(Joker, Cheetah, Killer Frost, Giganta, and more)
.The season ends with Batman stating" WE ARE NOT THE HEROES, BUT WE ARE jUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED
.Then another season starts with villains such as Clock King, Deadshot, Mongul, Luthor, Deathstroke, Circe, Joker, Cheetah,Black Manta, and more.

Also I think in almost every episode all the 7 appear with 2 goin on a mission with 1 or 2 or 3 expanded League members


Circe, that's Black Mask's girlfriend isn't it?



I aim to misbehave.


If it were me, here’s what I’d write for a Justice League Season 4:

[This is intended as a broad outline and not a complete story. It’s rough and I haven’t worked out all the details]

The season is set in the year 2009*. The original Ubu (The one who appears in the episodes “THE DEMON’S QUEST”, “AVATAR”, “SHOWDOWN” and “THE DEMON REBORN”) has been killed. We open on a trial by combat being held by the Society of Shadows. The winner of this tournament will inherit the title of “Ubu”.

*Or December of 2008, with a sequence set on New Year’s Eve following the introduction of Ra’s Al Ghul – perhaps a fight between Batman and the Joker that’s an homage to The Long Halloween. In any event, the season is established as being set in 2009.

The winner is anointed by Ra’s Al Ghul, the season’s primary antagonist**. Ra’s daughter Talia is also present. Other possible characters who might be there include a young (like pre-teen young) Curaré from “A TOUCH OF CURARÉ”, and a young Mutro Botha and Devon the Master Assassin from “FINAL CUT”. Kurima (a member of the Society of Assassins who was mentioned in “FINAL CUT” but never shown) might also be there.

**I realize that, going solely by the comics, the Society of Shadows might not seem like strong enough antagonists for the Justice League. But the episode “OFF BALANCE” featured the Flash villain Vertigo as a rogue member of the Society. This set a precedent of non-comics-members of the League of Assassins being established as members of the Society. So I figure they can just press gang whomever they need to in order to take on the League.

Ra’s Al Ghul believes that, after centuries of searching, he has found a source of ultimate power to rejuvenate the Earth. The season will cut back and forth between Ra’s efforts in the present and his efforts in the past – as well as his various encounters with other past heroes of the DC universe. Given that Ra’s Al Ghul will have been around for over six hundred years by 2009, there should be a lot of room to play.

The Mythology behind the season’s story is this: Sometime during the 13TH Century (by Earth’s chronology), a member of the Green Lantern Corps. named Yalan Gur was bonded with a mystical orb known as the Starheart. The energy of the orb was fused with the energy from his power ring and he became corrupted when the combined energies overwhelmed him. The Green Lantern Corp. ultimately managed to defeat him by separating him from the Starheart, but the mystical object was lost in the process. The Starheart went missing in Sector Two-Eight-One Four, and the Guardians of the Universe thought nothing of this at the time. This was because Sector Two-Eight-One-Four was the galactic equivalent of the Bermuda triangle. Things were constantly going into the sector, never to be heard from again. It didn’t seem possible that indigenous life-forms might actually be living down there.
But there was something down there. The Starheart fell to earth as a meteor passing over ancient China. It’s descent was observed by monks studying at the temple of Nanda Parbat. The monks perceived this meteor as a good omen because it had a green trail of fire trailing behind it. The monks sent a young trainee to recover the meteor. The Starheart lands in a Himalayan river and a green flame erupts from the water. A voice from within the flame foretells a prophecy: It will flame three times, once to bring Death, once to bring Life, and once to bring Power. Unfortunately, no one is around to hear this prophecy.

ONCE TO BRING DEATH: Chang, the student in training with recovering the “meteor” is drawn by the light source of the green flame. Chang arrives just as the fire is dying, and when it goes out, he collects the meteor. His teachers task him with fashioning the meteor into a lamp. He is killed when the lamp is first lit and as a result, the monks regard the lantern as a dangerous weapon of power.
ONCE TO BRING LIFE: When the Starheart landed in Himalayan mountains it contaminated the water supply of the local river. The river empties out into a subterranean lake located dead within one of the mountains. The Lake is turned into the Lazerus Pit as a result of contact with the meteor. The Society of Shadows discovers the Lazarus Pit sometime in the 14TH century. There elderly leader, whom they call Ra’s Al Ghul, is submerged in the pit. The lamp located at the temple of Nada Parbat lights up, and Ra’s Al Ghul is rejuvenated. But this rejuvenation causes a fever dream, and he plagued by images of the Starheart lamp. This fever dream drives him temporarily insane. Once Ra’s recovers from the fever dream he begins searching the globe for the lamp.
ONCE TO BRING POWER: Ra’s Al Ghul tracks the lamp to Nanada Parbat sometime during the early 20TH century. The Society of Shadows attacks the temple, and the temple monks determine that the lamp is no longer safe there. They resolve to re-locate it somewhere else. An Agent of the temple is tasked with relocating the lamp. This agent is traveling by train through Gotham City (on his way to another location) when there is a bridge collapse. Alan Scott, the young engineer conducting the train, finds the lamp and recovers it. Once he has returned home with the lamp the green flame erupts for a third time. The flame instructs him how to fashion the lamp into a ring. Scott becomes empowered by the Starheart and is turned into Earth’s first Green Lantern.

Yalan Gur escapes from the Green Lantern Corps. and tracks the missing starheart to Earth. He defeats Alan Scott and takes the ring for himself. He eats the ring, and it’s energy fuses with his own power-ring, turning him into an all powerful creature of chaos magic. This eruption of Chaos Magic attracts the attention of Kent Nelso who tries to defeat him. But Gur is too powerful for the Doctor Fate, and the hero is summarily defeated. The battle between Gur and Fate brings the planet Earth to the attention of Guardians of the Universe for the first time. They induct Alan Scott into the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians inform Doctor Fate and Alan Scott that Gur cannot be destroyed, and instead must be contained. They tell him that Gur is powerless against wood. Fate brings together a team of Gotham based heroes to help him entrap Gur. These Heroes include Alan Scott (The Green Lantern) Black Canary (Dinah Drake), Wildcat (Ted Grant), The Flash (Jay Garrick) The Atom (Al Pratt) and The Sandman (Wesley Bernard Dodds). Also present a young boy named John Carr. Carr is the heir to the Carr Family, the owners of the railroad at which Alan Scott Works.
The seven heroes manage to entrap Gur but there is a price: Jay Garrick becomes one with the Speed Force during the battle and ceases to exist. The seven heroes burry Yalan Gur alive in a secret location and vow to guard the secret with their lives. Doctor Fate contacts one of the endless, Morpheus. Together the two of them remove knowledge of the near-apocalypse from humanity’s collective consciousness, and Morpheus keeps that memory hidden in the dreaming. Kent Nelson, Alan Scott, Dinah Drake-Lance, Ted Grant, Al Pratt and Wesley Dodds are the only ones who have knowledge of the event that nearly destroyed the world. Over the years these seven heroes have brought in others to help guard this secret. This secret society becomes known as the Justice Society of America, though it’s ways and means are largely rumor.
The members of the Justice Society go on to lead regular lives. The Sandman goes on to adopt a young partner named Sanderson Hawkins, and Alan Scott has a son named Todd (These two children grow up to become Sand and Obsidian respectfully – both of whom are part of a crowd shot in “INITIATION”). Dinah Darke-Lance and her husband Larry go on to have a daughter, Dinah Laurel Lance. John Carr gets married and ends up having a son whom he nicknames “Snapper”. The mantle of the Flash is taken up by a friend of Garrick’s widow, Barry Allen. Barry marries his girlfriend, a woman named Iris West. It is through Garrick’s widow, Joan Williams, that Barry Allen comes into contact with the other members of the Justice Society.
The memory of the event is kept safe within the dreaming, but over the years, certain details bleed into the imagination. For example DC comics publishes “THE JUSTICE GUILD OF AMERICA” in 1961. But the creators aren’t able to explain where the idea came from. It features Scott Mason as The Green Guardsman, Donna Nance as Black Siren, T. Blake as Cat Man, The Streak, Tom Turbine, and the official Justice Guild Junior Justice Guild’s Men, Ray Thompson.
Issues of the “The Justice Guild” comic end up being collected by a man named James. James nephew, John Stewart, discovers the books one day after school. They quickly become his favorite characters. Stewart ultimately believes that he learned right from wrong reading those comic books.
The Movie Studio Spectre produces 21 episodes of a television series entitled The Gray Ghost, inspired by The Sandman Dr. Thomas Wayne watches this show with his son, eight-year-old son, Bruce. Once his parents are killed, Bruce goes onto to turn the Batcave into an exact replica of the Gray Ghost’s lair. Ra’s Al Ghul is kept aware of the Starheart’s presence by his continued immersion in the pit.
Dinah and Larry Lance soon discover that their young daughter, Dinah Laurel Lance, is a meta-human. She is gifted with a super Sonic Bird Call. Dinah Sr. has Dinah Jr. begin training with family friend Ted Grant. Meanwhile, Iris West’s young nephew, Wally, discovers his uncle’s identity as The Flash. He is introduced to the other members of the Justice Society, whom he refers to as “Uncle Barry’s super friends”. And Joan Williams becomes known as “Grammy Flash”. Wally West ultimately becomes the Flash when he is hit by Jay Garrick’s speed force lightening bolt. Meanwhile, Professor Ray Palmer inherits the name “The Atom” from Al Pratt.

In the present day, Ra’s and the Society manages to extract the secret location of Gur’s coffin from Morpheus and travels to Gotham City. For reasons unknown, Talia has a change of heart and ends up betraying her father to Batman and the League. This results in final battle that brings about a near Apocalypse. Ra’s is ultimately defeated but the cost is dear. Gotham City is leveled in the process and not all members of the Justice League make it out of the battle with their lives***.
Ra’s Al Ghul is presumed dead, and his Ubu attempts to rally the members of the Society of Shadows. But he is stabbed in the back by a member whose identity will be determined later. This character kills Ubu and takes charge of the Society. He says that the Society was so named because they were “Shadows cast by the Demon’s head”. With the Demon dead, it’s members are no longer shadows, but merely assassins. He re-christens the group the Society of Assassins and they become mercenaries for hire.

***The only “Good Guy” characters who are 100% confirmed to have made it into the “Beyond” era are Bruce Wayne (Batman), Barbra Gordon (Batgirl), Timothy Drake (Robin), Clark Kent (Superman), Big Barda, Kairi Tanga and *maybe* Richard “Dick” Grayson [The character is never shown, but Barbra talks about him as if he were alive]. Static, Gear, Wonder Woman, and The Martian Manhunter *might* have made it. But their presence in the “Beyond” universe was established in time-travel episodes, so you could possibly write that off as an alternate time-line. As for Hawkgirl, the only thing we know for sure is that she gave birth to Rex Stewart, we don’t know how long she lived after that happened.
In fact, one possible twist that could be introduced is to say that John Stewart is not Rex’s biological father, but that he was the product of Shayera’s relationship with either another member of the Justice League – or a civilian – and that both mother and father were killed in the Near Apocalypse of ’09. An honor-bound John would subsequently retire from the Green Lantern Corps. and raise the child as his own. If you go back and look at the conversation in The Once and Future Thing: Time Warped, this scenario is plausible. Anyway that’s where the show’s suspense would come from, not in weather Ra’s is successful or not (we know he won’t be), but in who makes it out of the battle alive.

To end the season on a moment of hope, we close with a scene set a year or two after the near-apocalypse. Much of the city is still rebuilding, but Gotham Park and the surrounding area has been newly refurbished. Bruce Wayne holds a press conference before the newly built Gotham Park Towers. The building looms in the background. On stage with him is members of the Justice League, the Justice Society, the Green Lantern Corps. and the Guardians of the Universe. Wayne acknowledges that much of the city is still in recovery, but that this should stand as the beginning of “New Gotham City”. He cuts the ribbon and we close out.


I'd have liked:

- an episode with the core JLA members are working a case in Gotham where we get to see the Bat clan, some Gotham villains and a Batman defensive of metas in his city.

- storylines revolving around other DC characters like Zatana, Jason Blood/Etrigan, Fate, etc.

- more on Cadmus or even a human group who are against metas. I'd also like to see more of Amanda Waller trying to get Batman more on-side since this was an interesting idea as he was partially sympathetic to her cause considering he shares the same concerns.

- more stories revolving solely around the core seven, particularly the Trinity, Flash and the Martian Manhunter since they were almost neglected when JLA became JLU.

- another episode on the Justice Lords or even an episode revolving around another reality (perhaps one where only Superman was evil or something).

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


Sorry for the spelling mistakes there Count_Sarge 7, and thank you for the nice comments there, yeah i think Vandal Savage is one of DC's greatest villains. either; hereafter could have been the conclusion to the regualr universe character. but they could could have easily done a parallel universe version of Vandal Savage where he didn't reform as such and been a further nuisance to the league. And i imagine there might have been room to explore the one-shot character moreso like the Ultimen or Taskforce X etc.

Excellent theories there yourself cosmic_quest. 

Given time, i reckon anybody could flesh out their own JLU 'what if...seasons' and brainstorm mutiple ideas on where the series could've done had Bruce Timm and co churned out a few more seasons yet still. With the Warners animated single DVD/Blu-Ray movies coming out yet still with varying degrees of success, i think JLU is sorely missed out of all the actions the WB taken so far. Young Justice looks to be good, but its early days yet and JLU as at least big enough and grant enough to make it stand out ahead of the pack, of WB's other animated shows or at the very least encompass their continued successes alround.

Yeah i say the fans would've easily liked to have seen the series continue, and i'm sure like myself have envisioned just how it could've done so.


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I probably would have made the Legion of Doom arc longer. It had the potential to equal, or even surpassed the Cadmus arc, but the short season just prevented it from doing it. If it wasn't for the Batman embargo I would probably have Riddler, and Scarcrow in there like they originally planned. Heck, put in the Joker and Harley to while at it.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


The Project Cadmus arc, intrigued me the most. One cos its apart of Jack Kirby's material that was so inspiring to have in the Superman mythos and translated well into the Superman TAS and Justice League series together. And the whole Camdus project issue, still continues to grow well into the Young Justice TAS presently.

And many of the great DC comic book villains who had yet to appear in the show, which is why i voiced up for villains like; The Extremists (Use to love reading Justice League Europe myself) Monarch, Magog, Ares (as artist George Perez drew him not as how he finally appeared in the series?), Krona, Yuga Khan. Seriously adding Darkseid's father as a major villain and season final end boss would scared the beejesus out of fans i'm sure and raised the stakes of the series with an uber dark villain like him. And now that i think about it, i also could easily envision the New Gods characters been given more screen time in Justice League as well. Bruce Timm is a "HUGE" Kirby fan himself so one wonders why he hasn't either done a New Gods type animated television series or provided a DTV animated film on DVD as of yet? This show (JLU) had some serious possibilites which were even reached quite yet. Same goes for that; 'Legion Of Superheroes' series that they had for 2 season or so. They should have kept that going as well.

If it isn't powerful villains, it'll be far off cosmic places (Oa, New Genesis) witht he New Gods or the Green Lantern Corps, or dark and brooding gritty crime thriller types stories (Batman, Huntress, The Question, Black Canary, Green Arrow) Or something more subtle, if not subtle then more supernautral (magical heroes & villains), or more top secret military/government operations (Camdus, Taskforce X) at times, that i think would've made the show more fascinating.

Thats why the series should've continued!


Green Lantern 4.gif


What...what? What exactly are the "White" Martians? Is this what the Imperium were based on from the show?

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


The Guardians should only show up if they fight Snowflame.

"Snowflame feels no pain!"

and maybe Superboy Prime, if voiced by Lewis Lovhug.

I aim to misbehave.


Stop trolling kid, jesus you can't even spell The Guardians properly for pete sakes!


Green Lantern 4.gif


No, I really want to see Snowflame.

Edit: I just relized that Snowflame was from the New Guardians, not the Global Guardians. Still, it would be hilarious.

I aim to misbehave.


I would've done a self contained episode that revolves some of the minor leaguers with one or two of the big seven going up against Mr. Mxyzptlk while Superman is away on a mission.

Another episode I would do is one that focuses on a new member Buddy Baker aka Animal Man. I picture the episode showing how Baker balances his career as a stuntman with that of a crimefighter and a family man. I could picture his kids pestering him to take them to the Watchtower and his wife concerned about his well being as a hero. In the JLU version of Animal Man, Buddy Baker receives his powers as a result of Thanagarian Invasion and was revealed via flashback that he was experimented on by the Thanagarians. During the course of these experiments Baker is implanted with a control code to kill Hawkgirl for betraying the Thanagarians and anyone that should get in the way of his mission.

There's also one I would do that would have the JLU meet The Marvel Family. After Captain Marvel left the JLU ranks its revealed he formed his own team called The Marvel Family that consist of Captain Marvel Jr., Mary Marvel and The Lieutenant Marvels. The two teams join forces to fight Mister Mind and his massive Monster Society of Evil as they attempt to takeover the Rock of Eternity.


I would've done a self contained episode that revolves some of the minor leaguers with one or two of the big seven going up against Mr. Mxyzptlk while Superman is away on a mission.

^Thats a neat idea. As it would be very interesting to see somebody's powers put up against Mr. Mxyzptlk, and Mr. Mxyzptlk being outsmarted by another Leaguer who unlike Superman handles things very differently against him.

And i reckon it was a missed opportunity for the series to not utilize; Buddy Baker aka Animal Man as you suggested. As i read the Grant Morrison written comic book and was a fan of the series myself too. The Animal Man character has tons of potential thats untapped and it would've been totally sick to see it being displayed for real in the JL: Animated series.

The Marvel Family should've had their own spin off series to be honest. i think the only thing stopping that deal, is the whole licensing issues with Captain Marvel's name being used in his own series properly, seeing as the comics now only call him; Shazam (WTF)!


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown


BUMP! Just because it's ashamed to see a thread like this forgotten. If I read more comics I would respond.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


Oh, okay. This may be a bit complicated but I would have liked a episode that was a combination of three previous episodes: the ones where Huntress is kicked out of the league, the episode where Capt. Marvel is reprimanded for virtually endorsing Lex Luthor, and the episode where Capt. Atom has to fight Superman because of military obligation. Basically I would like to have seen the founding members go to the lengths of formally judging some member as having gone bad...maybe violating what they stand for in some way...and then physically subduing that member (the action part ). It would be a tough but powerful episode...especially if that rogue member was otherwise likeable and maybe just marginally over-the-line (like Huntress and Cap Marv) but also had power and strong associates outside of the Justice League...Like Captain Atom.

Your daughter ate my Toblerone!!!


I think that sounds really cool actually. A bit convoluted but cool idea.


BUMP! Just because it's ashamed to see a thread like this forgotten.

Thank you Count_Sarge. (*Bows like a classy gentlemen!*)

I promise to pay you back by getting involved in one of your threads and bumping it after a while too!


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


Meh, I just like this thread. Like I stated if I read more comics I would respond, but I was only a casual DC fan when I saw this cartoon. I'm barely started going into the comics. So far all I've read are:

Batman: Year One

The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne

The Death of Superman

All Star Superman Volume 1

Superman: Red Son

So, my knowledge is really close to nothing. :-/

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


I'm not a big DC comic afficonado but I do like the revamp and details they gave a lot of the C-list villains in the final season and heroes in Unlimited, perhaps focusing on the best of the other Rogue's Galleries besides Super and Bat Man.

One of the various other 'evil' Lantern Corps perhaps, or the only other Wonder Woman villain I can remember who hasn't been used, the berserk and ultra-vain cyborg Silver Swan. In keeping with her theme, have her inflict some kind of malady on Diana that slowly rots away her divine looks, forcing her to experience how both the league and ordinary people treat her differently, though her closest friends stick by her through the worst of it, like a more mature version of Teen Titans' 'Metamorphisis'.

Identity Crisis was one of the only DC compilations I've read, they could recreate that situation with Dr. Light's defining crime reduced to murder. Still a disquieting revelation, and like Cadmus not something Supes can just punch to make it go away. On that note, Eiling/'Patriot' never really got closure either.


Okay, got my previous jumble of ideas worked into a bit more of a structured plot.

Open with the huge battle in 'Destroyer'. Copperhead* and bunch of other leaguers and villains are fighting Para-Demons somewhere. He takes a fall in the battle and hits his head hard. Post-Destroyer he's awake again in a hospital, and a few crucial memories have been jogged loose.

Two weeks later, Diana is trying to create and maintain a civilian identity with mixed results, under J'onn's strong recommendation to her regarding how living such a life changes one's outlook.
One person who doesn't seem to care about her strangeness is Vanessa Kapatelis, who gradually becomes Diana's best civilian friend. Indeed, everything seems unusually clear sailing with few villain attacks... Until J'onn is lured into a trap and captured.

The guilty party is an alliance of Morgan le Fey and Copperhead, who has undergone an extreme upgrade and increase in competence since having his memories jarred. For example, he has remembered a number of snake-like abilities he had forgotten when J'onn wiped his memory years ago, including the power to detect trace amounts of venom left behind in anyone he has ever bitten.

By association, Morgan is the only one still active who has ever successfully manipulated the Martian's mind. By doing this again from the highest tower of her ruined castle, Copperhead hopes to make J'onn undo all the memory blocks he has placed on a number of villains over the years; blocks which he placed when they found out one of the core 7's secret identities.

Naturally, the core 6 scramble to save him, but Diana's carelessness allows Vanessa to follow them and learn Diana's identity in the battle that follows. It is in this battle that she is badly injured and blasted off a tower to her presumed death. Meanwhile, despite a seeming victory, J'onn is tricked into releasing the blocks at the last second. The League can only watch in terror as any number of small-time rogues the world over regain the large portion of ferocity and cunning taken from them... along with the true identity and home of one of their sworn enemies. And in the bowels of a far-off lab, highly-trained surgeons are rebuilding Vanessa Kapatelis's ruined body into a steel angel of death who lives only for revenge against her former friend.

End of Episode One.

*- Doesn't have to be Copper, I just chose the absolute wimpiest regular JLU villain I could think of at the time. The key point being that no one takes them seriously, considers them weaklings until the change.


Okay...a couple of questions:

1. Is this memory block/mind wiping thing of J'onn's something that you made up or is it referenced in the comic books somewhere?

2. When you say the bad guys learn "...the true identity and home of one of their sworn enemies" are you talking about Wonder Woman or someone else? Who?

Your daughter ate my Toblerone!!!


1. My 'arc' is modeled off the 'Identity Crisis' series, wherein it is discovered that for many years, a handful of Justice League members with mind-related powers have been secretly intervening in the unfortunate circumstance that a villain learns a Justice Leaguer's identity and attacks their loved ones. They have been wiping their memories of the identity and in the case of Dr. Light at least, making them less dangerous, though never tampering enough to completely neutralize them as rogues out of ethical concerns. J'onn's the telepath and he often seems to be the 'do-all' of the team. He and Zatanna are the only ones I can think of who might have the power to do that.

2. Talking about ANY Justice League member. Suddenly they're all vulnerable. Some random small-time villain suddenly remembers the time they found out that Oliver Queen is Green Arrow and attacked his family before being caught. Scary, no? This could also be a chance to introduce some new baddies who've had reason to lay low until now- they were missing a part of their spark of malevolence, and only now regain it with a vengeance.


Okay, sounds like it could be fun!

Is Green Arrow the character you would have liked to see made vulnerable or did you really have someone else in mind?

Who is Vanessa Kapatelis?

There is too much here already I think for a "first" episode though

Your daughter ate my Toblerone!!!


I like the idea tbwhitefang, but there doesn't seem like there was a situation for J'onn to mind wipe copperhead or any other villain. Maybe add a flashback to before Copperhead first appeared in JL where he was more violent?

iroquosejoe, Vanessa Kapatelis is a Wonder Woman villian/supporting charcter Silver Swan.

I aim to misbehave.


Glad to see everyone enjoying the thread!

Reckon had the show continued they would've done ideas simliar to ours and continued the series thus. Considering DC comics characters and history there's unfounded possibilities as to what could've taken place in followup seasons had the show gone on longer.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


I love this show to pieces and as a DC fan there is so much I would have love to have seen the creators of JLA accomplish. I wish that there had never been a Bat Embargo. While I wouldn’t have wanted the story to be filled with too many of the big Batman names(something I really appreciated about JLA was it’s creative use of incorporating lesser known villains and characters) I really would have liked to see one or two episodes where we got a glimpse at the Bat Family.

Personally I’d lay off the GL/HG romance that was laid on us during JLAU. I was never a fan of the romance myself, though I know many fans were. And I’m okay with getting some of it now and then, but the episodes they used to focus on that whole “reincarnated lovers” thing really could have been put to better use in my not so humble opinion. But then, if we got another two season it really wouldn’t matter since the creators would then be at liberty to unlock the potential of what they started. There isn’t too much to add on in regards to comic verse stories to work into the show—most have already been mentioned. Because I grew up on DCAU and only got into JLA through the animated series, in my mind it is the definitive JLA story. I would have liked to see the writers do more with all the characters that were added into Unlimited but never really got any screen time like:

Red Tornado(perhaps an episode dedicated to him discovering his humanity. Batman the Brave and the Bold tries to accomplish this in a fun camp way, but I’d like to see it done JLA style)
Captain Atom( In “The Return” there was a strange, almost familiar relationship between Lex Luthor and Captain Atom. I think it might be interesting to investigate more.)
Dr.Fate(an episode or two spent expanding upon the Lords of Order would be nice. This would also make some room to focus on other magic wielders in the DCAU)
Doctor Light
Doctor Mid-Night
Star Man
Captain Marvel(we are in dire need of more Captain Marvel!)

I would also like to see some of the founding members get more of their own episodes, especially Wonder Woman. An interesting story arc for her would be the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall . And is anyone else incredibly curious to discover what became of Amazo? Ultimately, were the show to be continued(outside of my dreams and sub-par fanfiction), I trust that the authors would do a better job at grabbing elements from the comics than I’d be able to. What I want most is character development.

On a side note, DC is really lacking in strong female villains. I wouldn't at all be opposed to the DCAU making one of their own. After all, it was through the DCAU that we got Harley Quinn.

"Like most hearts, it was complicated, shaded with dark and dappled with light."—Dicamillo


I'm always dumbfounded as to why Bruce Timm and co didn't want to reach a 100 episode plus number with this series. And further the stories and episode count moreso than simply ending up with a 96 episodes number only or so? It can't be cos they ran out of money (they didn't?), Warner Brothers film and television department is one of the most resourceful studios in the world let alone one of the largest in the entertainment industry in and of itself. And The WB continues to outpour even more animated DC based superhero shows since 2006 when JLU finished its run etc.

So why wasn't this kick-ass series continued when fans around the world obviously wanted alot more and for it to go on?



I don't understand why the show ended so soon too since it was one of the few decent animated shows produced. It's a shame because it's so superior to the utter crap that is on the kids' channels these days.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


Man, you said it cosmic_quest! (i know your a lady so pardon the man bit, lol)

The 80's were the golden era of animated cartoons, the 90's had a decent sellection also. Half or mostly every after 2000/Y2k hasn't been the same however? Justice League, Batman Beyond, The Batman, Legion Of Superheroes, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Shamploo. And so few others are what was truly great and memorable about any animated series or animes out there throughtout the 2000's (21st Century) etc.

Young Justice at least gives me some hope but not alot though, as do the WB animated DVD feature movies and some other non-superhero projects out on the horizons. And even though the Green Lantern isn't too successful right now at the box office, but we'll all see how that CGI animated GL series does later this year in the fall. And also there being news of a new Spider-Man series next year 2012 as well for his 50th anniversary!


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


Aye, I was hoping with the production of 'Young Justice' (which is actually quite a good show, surprisingly) that DC/WB would see sense and produce a JLU show to run alongside. Obviously, I was hoping for too much brains from these people though.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


I thought it ended on Cartoon Network because they wanted to appeal to younger audiences? Or well, theres pretty much numerous reasons why it ended, but no specific ones.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


Justice League had a more universal audience for it (adults and well as kids?) and while i can understand the appeal to have your kids tune in, not going for a more universal appeal instead seems like a huge mistake to me. your not suppose to cut it in corners and lose any part of the audience whether they'd be kids, the teenagers, the 20's, 30's and 40 something comic fanboys or the whole family etc.

Still 'Young Justice', gives me some small hope that the *magic* is still there though.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


I don't get it either. But, seeing most of CN's programming between the end of Justice League to now the "appealing to younger audiences" theory wouldn't be too off.

As, for Young Justice...meh never seen it.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


While it isn't Justice League, its fairly decent though. And is the closest thing to a JLU equivalent since JLU ended.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


I don't get it either. But, seeing most of CN's programming between the end of Justice League to now the "appealing to younger audiences" theory wouldn't be too off.

I think you're onto something here. With the ending of JLA, it does seem that CN just began churning out dumbed down crap that mainly appeals to the under tens. Even their 'Fantastic Four' series was terrible (I know Johnny doesn't take things seriously but he's an utter moron in that show!).

I think you probably will like 'Young Justice' if you liked the JLA show. The team aren't portrayed to be annoying or bratty. There's also a wee dose of Batman!

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


I only shows tolerable on CN for me right now are "Regular Show" and "Adventure Time". And while pretty bad "Mad" does manage to get me some laughs once in awhile. So yeah, why not I'll be open too it.

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


Interesting idea except, J'onn doesn't maninpulate people's minds. It's against the code of the martian and all that.

I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care.
G.W. Bush, 3/13/02


He would do it though if it was for a greater good. He has done it for that.


Interesting idea except, J'onn doesn't maninpulate people's minds. It's against the code of the martian and all that.

Not if J'onn became "Fernus" it wouldn't be an issue though?

But then again, you could say that all superheroes are pretty badass once they go to the 'darkside' for while or so that is!


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown




I'm busy playing KOF 13.


Meh, I just like this thread. Like I stated if I read more comics I would respond, but I was only a casual DC fan when I saw this cartoon. I'm barely started going into the comics. So far all I've read are:

Batman: Year One

The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne

The Death of Superman

All Star Superman Volume 1

Superman: Red Son

So, my knowledge is really close to nothing. :-/

That's quite a mixture of stories, too. A lot of references must have flown over your head. Especially in the return of Bruce Wayne one.


Haha yeah, I realized that, but I think I read some spoilers online about it anyway. It was related to Final Criasis right? Yeah, never read it, but I heard it blew or that it was a lackluster story anyway. A little confusing, but nothing to diffucult to understand.

So, fior any big fans here can anybody tell me besides the Crisis Stories what other big event stories have happened in this Universe? I'm assuming there msut be plenty, but any really prominent ones?

“A ridiculously small group of my most incompetent and silliest troops awaits them."


Yes it was related to Final Crisis. Batman got killed by Darkseid. It was an ok story. I don't think it blew but it wasn't that good either. One of those stories that you read once, you say you've read it, but you don't feel the urge to go and read again. That makes buying it pointless so don't go and buying it.

Here's a list of DC universe events for you with a little description beside each one

I hope it helps you.


Okay, I got another long one for you :

So anyhow I don't know how this could have been done episodically but I guess over at least a two episode arc I think...

I would have liked to have seen a major character death. I know killing a real DC Comics character would have been impossible but I mean a character that maybe the writers create who is powerful, very likeable, and most of all sort of youngish (early 20's at most).

Anyhow so this superhero dies a tragic death, selflessly sacrificing her/himself for the good of the world or to save some others. So then you get the drama of a real superhero funeral for an Unlimited Justice League member, but a real funeral...this character is definitely not coming back, EVER...à la Superman or Batman: The Dark Night Returns.

So anyhow we have the action part that culminates in the lovable powerful character deliberately giving her/his life to save his friends and the world...and then we have the contemplation of what it means to really be heroic, with the ramification of ultimate mortality...including discovering who the alter ego of the character was, notifying the family, seeing their tragic loss (being the cherished child, sibling, relative, friend or maybe even parent to some individuals) and the coming together of the Justice League family to mourn/honor their valued family member...who in reality was a complex, noble human being, as they all are.

At almost the same time (or close after) we should have a junior superhero just joining or TRYING to join the league...the best candidate would have been Static Shock for reasons that will become obvious. The trick in this would be to juxtapose a sort of coming-of-age story (where we get to enjoy seeing this young hero come into the great justice league and be fairly impressed and overwhelmed by the surroundings and company) with the very serious death/sacrifice that just happened or is about to happen. It could be that the young character even gets to briefly know the character that dies...or maybe it is better that this person is sort of anonymous to him. I am not sure which angle would have been better.

Anyhow the reason why Static Shock would have been a good candidate for the young hero is because a subtext of the arc could be his resentment about how the founding Seven are reluctant to let him join and are unusually hard on him in standards and training. Static would view their reluctance/abuse as unfair as he had worked with...and even saved most most of the founding Justice League at some point in previous episodes of JL or Static Shock. He would believe himself fully qualified and their reaction to him completely unjustified. They, however, would (amongst themselves collectively and individually) have the reasons that they simply just like him too much and they don't want to see him get killed at such a young age just as the other character did.

So there would be that tear between on one hand wanting Static to stay in a relatively more safe and normal environment (wherever his home town is where he is a hero) and enjoy his teenage-hood more innocently without the burden and the risk-of-death of truly being a fully grounded (no pun intended ) and responsible superhero...with, on the other hand the need to have a replacement, the need to make sure he is well trained and prepared for having a target on his back...even if he stays on his own, and the need to respect his god-given right of self-determination.

The rest of it could be the fun and excitement of watching him learn and earn a spot in justice league, learning tactics as a team member, seeing what the older guys teach him, learning to control his electicity so he isn't a hazard to himself and others in a group setting, him maybe falling in puppy love with someone or having a crush on an older member, having to balance his alter ego life/schooling with JL duties...etc...etc.

Together with other elements (the villain that maybe killed the young JL member)this could have made for an interesting and important arc to explore.... Hero death and "birth".

Sorry if I bored you all to tears

Your daughter ate my Toblerone!!!


Batman didn't get killed by Darkseid, he got sent to the pre-historic age. The body Superman found was one of the clones Darkseid's minions were trying to forge an army out of. "That's my bread and butter your #@$&^%# with." - Nathan Explosion


Some very interesting ideas in this thread!
Anyhow, this is a GREAT show, and I love it to bits. I don't care if it's a cartoon, it's one of those rare mature cartoons, like Batman: The animated series from 1992.

Sigourney Weaver
and Linda Hamilton are the best sci-fi heroines.


I would have liked to have seen some variation on the Hal Jordan/Parallax storyline.


That's something I hope the movies do if it gets a sequel. They did set it up for one in the after credits.


I also should've put down something on the Rocket Red superhero from Russia as well.

Instead of being a background character in several JLU episodes they should've had their own episode. Yeah looking back i remember Rocket Red from Justice League International and the Justice League Europe comics, Bruce Timm and co put him as a background extra in the JLU series, it would've be sweet if he had his own episode to flesh him out and give him and his Rocket Red team some spotlight.

And make use of them in several stories. And be so much more than just DC's Iron-Man equivalents etc.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega




Has Plastic Man ever been done in animation?


Has Plastic Man ever been done in animation?

Yes, go here...

The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show

And also..

Plastic Man in 'Puddle Trouble' TV 2006 (unaired TV pilot that didn't go to series?)


Finally VF5:FS


1. Identity crisis
2. Identity crisis
3. salvation run
4. identity crisis

I would have said tower of babel but they are doing that now with the new movie, and divided we fall they kind of sort of did with everything hawkgirl related post-starcrossed, but not really, but sort of

But really... an Identity crisis adaptation of some kind would have been mind blowing


Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes.



* somehow include the Justice Society
* Doomsday vs. Darkseid :)
* More Hal Jordan. Don't mean make him a regular, but does he even exist in this show's universe? That one time travel episode is a little confusing.
* More Lobo
* maybe John Stewart and Hawk Girl getting back together
* Nightwing, Tim Drake Robin, and Batgirl cameos
* more Joker episodes
* more of the Question and Huntress, they were terrific in this show
* Supergirl and Brainiac 5 time traveling back in time for Superman's help maybe

There's probably more to think of. This was a great show.
