i don't know why

I wasn't the biggest fan of justice league unlimited. personally i liked it when it was just the core members, i thought that one was much better. it flowed better to me and had some of my favorite episodes of that series. unlimited wasn't bad though.



i much preferred justice league as well. as you say unlimited wasn't bad, but there were too many characters.

none of this makes sense.


The intro alone made seasons 1 and 2 the better seasons.


it flowed better to me and had some of my favorite episodes of that series. unlimited wasn't bad though.

Actually, JLU flowed better since it had much more continuity between episodes.

Can't stop the signal.


It's because Justice League had the A-team, and Unlimited had the B and C squads.


I prefer JL to JLU also. I usually read posts about how JLU was better. Glad to know someone agrees with me.


I'm keeping it at 100%. I love JL and really like JLU. I did get a kick out of seeing the Green Arrow and the Question they were a wonderful addition.

The quality of mercy is not strained


Yeah, I'll take any Question episode over some of the JL two-parters--"Fury" for example--but then again, I'll take "Wild Cards" over any of the JLU episodes, even the Question ones.

I think that speaks more about how awesome Jeffrey Coombs and Mark Hamill were than anything else.


I agree with the consensus here JL was very good. I did like the Green Arrow and the Question though.
