Kalabar Or Calabar

Mabye Calabar is His Frist name And Kalabar is his last name his name in the frist had a C yet the title for the 2nd one is with a K I wish the'd Get it right dont you agree with me



I always just thought that Calabar was the father's name, and Kal's full name was Kalabar. Like, the father wanted to name his son after himself, but he was ashamed of him or something, so he changed a letter so it wouldn't be TOO obvious



Yes, but the captions show his name as KAL throughout the movie.



Calabar is the father. Kal is the son. By Kalabar's Revenge, they were talking about the son, since he's named after his father. A name change don't really mean he's disgraced by him. It didn't sound like that either in the movie.



Mis-spelling. Plain and simple.

