worth buying?

i saw this the other day for sale for about 20 bucks is it worth the price?



i got it for like $14, and i sorta want my money back... i just don't really like it all that much... thought it was pretty boring...

Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar



I saw it for free on showtiem


I MSTied the Hell out of it. :) I'd pay 10 bucks for it, though I'm not sure about 5. Haven't seen 7 and 8 yet.




I recorded it off of HBO, then the tape broke after a year. I think it's worth buying, if it's 15 bucks and under. I think that it's the most unique of the films. It's real eerie in a Freudian type of way. You don't know what is a dream and what isn't?





It's really among my favorite Hellraisers. I like 1,2,Inferno,Hellseeker. I'm not sure on a favorite but this one I like better than most.

"Every living creature on this earth dies alone."


Oh yeah. Of course, now it's about $10, but honestly $20 isn't very expensive is it?

