MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002) Discussion > Why did they bother sticking Kirsty in t...

Why did they bother sticking Kirsty in this movie?

I could sh*t a better movie than this.

It's so obvious that this script was written without Kirsty in mind, and when they got Ashley Laurence (for all of a week) they modified it, and barely at that.

Kirsty feels completely out of place in this story, and the actions it's suggested she makes in order to escape Pinhead are completely out of character with the Kirsty from the first two movies.

There were no moments of tension, no scares, little in the way of make-up effects, and a wafer thin plot that is little more than a rehash of Inferno with Kirsty tacked on. What a waste of Ashley Laurence and yet another waste of Doug Bradley.

Utter garbage.

"Never underestimate the power of denial."
American Beauty



"Hell on Earth" wasn't the best film but when the got a scene in with Ashley Lawrence it was done to great effect. "Hellseeker" trashes her charactor & I resent how prominantly she is featured on the DVD case. Talk about false advertising.

"There's my buttercup!"




She was meant to be a "cameo" appearance. This was confirmed at a horror convention a few years ago. She was only on set for 4 days and that was it.
