Alan Partridge

Am I the only one who can't watch this film without forgetting that it's Tony Wilson and not Alan that I'm watching? The two are so alike and apparently Coogan got the idea for Partridge from Tony Wilson. You might say "yes, but that's because it's Coogan!" but I see no Patridge in The Parole Officer.

The hangliding scene, the part where he's arguing with the journalist over whether it's Brian or George Epstein, the scene with the hookers, the part where he's having abuse shouted at him outside The Factory, the scene where he's getting attacked by Rob for spending 30 grand "on a *beep* table!", the part where he says the "wheel" metaphor on Wheel of Fortune, they all just scream "PARTRIDGE!!!" at me.


Go see "Hamlet 2", it's got minimal Partridge

"It's a trap!"
- Admiral Ackbar


The main similarities I noticed between Partridge and Wilson as played by Coogan are the self confidence in their own opinions and the ability to say whatever comes into their mind regardless of the offence caused. Partridge doesn't usually have the wit to realise he has upset someone and Wilson would make pseudo philosophical asides to teenage punk rockers and then not even notice the blank faces staring back.


Didn't they say somewhere on the DVD that Coogan may have based Partridge on Wilson? If so, that could explain the similarities.


You might say "yes, but that's because it's Coogan!" but I see no Patridge in The Parole Officer.

err.. you already said it yourself. He based Partridge on Wilson, he is now portraying Wilson. He never said he based Partridge on a Parole Officer...

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


I think the OP meant that in the film 'the parole officer' Steve Coogan weren't acting like Alan partridge in the film therefore disproving the theory that Steve Coogan is exactly like Alan partridge in real life. But I think he answered his own concerns when he stated that Tony Wilson was used as an inspiration for Alan Partridge.
