
After the mediocre ratings it received in the States when it came out, I was in no hurry to see Johnny English. But recently I had the good fortune is watch it start to finish and I have to say it is a good and funny film. It's not laugh-until-sides-hurt funny, but it's clever/funny in a sublime way. That's probably because Rowan Atkinson is such a fine actor, able to play a straight-man buffoon so realistically. Anyway, I read somewhere on IMDB that there's supposed to be a sequel. I hope so.



yeh same

you will regret not watching this...


Yes it is underrated. When I heard about it and read the so-so rewievs I wouldn't want to see it,but I saw it on TV and was surprised how entertaining it was. Underrated is the word here.


i luved it! clever, witty, charming, and overall dashing spy movie-i luved it

"I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."
-Say Anything


serisouyl under rated film. RA has a dazzling performance. and its a good comedy as well.


I agree, quite underrated. As a huge Bondgirl myself, I thought it was a very clever film. But I don't think there should be a sequel. Some classics should remain intact. By the way, guys, do you always pick your movies according to other people's reviews?


I see why.

"Peace and love"


I thought it was extremely crap actually. It just wasn't funny, any funny bits were already shown in the trailers.


I agree, it was not funny at all


I thought it was underrated. I loved this movie so much more than "Get Smart", which is getting good reviews.

A sphincter says what?


Just saw Get Smart (my screenwriting professor told me to) and I agree, as Bond spoofs go Johnny English is the one to beat.

"Positive Portayal of a Cockroach" Award Recipient: WALL-E. The cockroach is a noble beast.



I loved this movie so much more than "Get Smart"...
So did I. Get Smart didn't quite know whether to go just for the laughs or throw some action in as well. Johnny English (like Austin Powers) has no such pretentions and gets the laughs in a big way.


The movie deserves AT LEAST a 7.0



a great movie, i think religious Christians hated it
