Rod Steiger's scenes

Has anyone else noticed a bit of "choppiness" regarding his scenes? Like he's performing them without many of the actors on set to have it spliced together later. This was his last produced movie, so it could have been a health issue; does anyone have any info?

Don't tell me what I can't do!


yes i noticed it

i like steiger okay and all, but it annoys me that he brings the exact same 'affected intensity' to every role. he seems to be playing the exact same dude no matter what the movie is. also, it always seems like he is overdoing it to REALLY show that he REALLY cares so much about whatever the 'thing' is he is discussing.

like in this one, with mars, he is telling him how 'good' mars is. steiger uses superlatives so often that they don't ring true for me anymore when i hear him say them.

not a big deal, just something i noticed. but i do think it lowers the impact of his scenes.

i presume that steiger is one of those that people buy into simply due to his longevity and his ties to brando

like classic books. everyone agrees they are so-called 'great' but none of those people can really tell you anything about them, or why they are great. it's just 'cool' to say that at parties

