Where's Judge Judy?

I own the dvd and have seen at least two differently edited tv versions of this movie but have never seen Judge Judy (tv show not the real JJ) in it. The Judge Judy show is listed near the end of the credits along with the Spongebob Squarepants footage as seen in every version of the movie but not the JJ show. Did they decide afterward to banish it from the movie completely due to legalities? Then why still leave the credit in? This has me baffled. Hope someone has seen it (maybe when it was in theaters) somewhere sometime and can explain. Thanks.


After Tanya receives word from her friend about getting into Stanford, Shaun calls home to see if his acceptance letter came in the mail. The film cuts to Lance sleeping on the couch, audio of Judge Judy can be heard playing as he sleeps and answers the call.
