God, this movie is terrible. The special effects, acting, script, everything. this film was just a load of w*nk. It was cow sh*t. I usually enjoy a good monster mash, and trust me, i love cheesy acting and special effects. But that's all ruined because the awful special effects are done with p*ss poor cgi. And the bad acting, well, it's just not cheesy, it's just bad in every way. I had no fun watching this film, I was so bored. Now, let me get on to the finale. Well, it was cr*p. In the B-movies of old there would always be some brilliant final battle against the monster, but in this, it's like, the guy easily destroys the octopus and then we get some dull scene of saving kids. What. Saving kids. I don't want to see that, i want to see the octopus wreaking havoc and the hero, if that's what you can call the lame b*stard, trying desperately to stop it. And then, after the incredibly pathetic scene of kiddy saving, OH LOOK, the Octopus is back, yay, surely that means some awesome fight scene. YOU WHAT. You just, blow the thing up again, like that. Well, i was just sitting there wondering what the hell was the point of the Octopus reapearing. *beep* hell, this film is just *beep*

