125cc or 250cc?

Hey guys! I love this movie, being a motocross racer myself. I just wanna say though, throughout almost the entire racing scenes, there is about three 250cc motorbikes in the "125cc" races. Example, in Andi's first pro race, she is obviously riding her Suzuki RM 125, however Donnie Barrett is not riding a Kawasaki KX 125, but instead a KX 250.

Try to spot the difference between the bikes: The shapes of the expansion chambers (those fat pipes coming out from the engines near the riders legs.) See their different shapes? Yup- different size bikes.

Anyone who rides motorbikes (preferably 2 strokes), will notice this. Later guys!

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FRODO...Exactly!! Racers get such a kick out of this movie because of all the indescrepencies in the film. It is a cute movie that might motivate families to get into the sport, if only to be spectators, and support their local track. So that is a good thing. I would love to nit pick and go over all the cheesy, fake things, but you already know, as a racer. BRRRAAAP!!!

By the way, good luck in 2006!!!!



hmmm i didnt notice but jesus, was i the only one the thought the "250"`s sounded like pee wee racers?


No, my son is a Pee Wee racer, and he has a lot more throttle sound than that in the movie, plus, his coach (also his daddy) would put an adult size neck brace over his pee wee neck brace if he ever looked back so much in a race. DUH.

Cute movie though, my son watched it on Tivo over and over...until race season began. Two weeks in and four first place finishes...sorry just had to brag a bit!!


haha yeah my brother raced a bit too...what class was your son in?
