MovieChat Forums > Mockingbird Don't Sing (2001) Discussion > The Genie Team's contact with her

The Genie Team's contact with her

Are they still forbidden to contact 'Genie' ("Katie")? Will Susan Curtiss ("Sandra Tannen") ever be allowed to see her again? I don't understand why she would be forbidden to see her, especially now that Genie's mother has passed away. Especially since Susan tried to help Genie so much and the situation seems to have been treated as if she committed a crime, while Genie's mother was given full rights. I know Genie now lives in an adult foster care home, but she's obviously been an adult for a very long time now. One would think there would be a certain expiration on the amount of power Genie's mother had over the situation. How was Genie's mother even able to enforce that in the first place, once Genie was placed in someone else's care permanently? Is there any hope?

Excuse my rambling, I was really heartbroken by this story.

"I don't belong in the world. That's what it is... Something separates me from other people."





if this really is the writer of mocking bird then you wouldnt mind meeting me for an interveiw



First of all, having just watched "Mockingbird", I would like to say well done to everyone involved for an excellent and (as far as I know, anyway) accurate portrayal of Genie's story.

Daryl - I would be very interested to know whether I could please have permission to include your last comment (about how Genie is doing much better than other reports might suggest) on the web site



"She scored the highest recorded score ever on tests that measure a person's ability to make sense out of chaos and to see patterns"

"The scientists at this agency felt that the Genie Team was not doing good scientific research because the tests Genie was being given were not producing enough new information."

kr1zy very,very angry.


I was heartbroken by this story too. It's amazing how some people can have such a capicity for inhuman and cruel behavior to others. I also wonder about that religious foster family Katie was sent to. I mean, I'm so sick of religious people using God as an excuse for everything.

God wouldn't want a child who was already tortured and abused, to be abused again in his name. Absolutely disgusting, It's amazing that they will just put a child no matter how damaged they are, with any family in the foster system.

You don't judge a child who has been abused like that based on normal terms! I think sometimes the people who sign up to help foster children, are just looking for an easy way to get children so they can abuse them. I'm not saying all people who take in foster children are like this, but one family that has been proven to show abuse towards foster children that remain a foster family is too many.

I'm pretty sure the foster agency just looked past what was going on, because they were a good God-fearing family. Sometimes the most manipulative people can be "good God-fearing" people. When you can just go to confession, and say God is responsible for everything, you don't need to take any personal responsibility.

Hiding behind religion to abuse a child, I don't understand how someone can see that and say religion is healthy.


Read the last few pages of these documents. I found them very interesting.

Goth for LIFE!
