Why the hate?

Why do people hate this movie? I think it is a delightful little story, its not a pile of crap like "Zoom:Acadamy for Superheroes"


I know right I love this movie I find it funny

"You'll Get Your Rent When You Fix This DAMN DOOR!"



You know what, you're right. It was pretty good.

The only thing I resented in the movie was Max getting "one" milkshake in the transition. Actually, come to think of it, the "chair" scene and the milkshake scene is what made me resent Jenna a lot. I read comments from friends of hers, and I must admit, if what they said was true and she doesn't act like Jenna at all in real life, then I must admit, I'm impressed.


This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, and I still love it. lol. Got it on DVD recently and i've watched it a bunch of times. Reminds me of the good old days. It isn't supposed to be a masterpiece; it's just a fun kids' movie. I don't understand the hate either.

"When a man tells you he got rich through hard work, ask him: Whose?"
- Rousseau
