what the HELL?

IMDb Plot Summary:

Killer Me is the story of a serial killer and the stalker who loves him.

Netflix envelope summary:

Joseph is haunted by a past he can't fully comprehend, and his shattered memory and visions compel him to murder each night. But the stalker becomes stalked when Joseph is trailed by Ana, a retarded woman who seeks to make a connection with him. As the audience begins to understand the psychoses of the protagonists, the two develop a loving relationship. Go figure.

How is Ana a stalker? And how is she retarded?!?!

Mysgostic? I don't know, but i'm about 90% sure it has something to do with dummies.


<<Mysgostic? I don't know, but i'm about 90% sure it has something to do with dummies.>>

wow, did i say that?

anyways, yeah - Anna is not retarded. I don't know why the netflix summary says that. On my rental dvd, the summary calls Anna 'childlike and lonely' which is more accurate. Plus, she didn't really stalk him at all, unless showing up at the library twice in order to see him counts as stalking....

i am a house with a hundred windows


hahaha!!! how funny about that old sig line.

i have absolutely no recollection of ever even watching this KILLER ME movie. i see you also watched CRAZYBIRD!

RIP CAGE: The Scene Maker


Those quotes seem to be a pathetic way to attract viewers who are only used to the "classic" horror clichés: serial killers, stalkers, obsessed women, you know the deal. On a forum someone even compared it to Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It has the same bleak quality, but there's where the comparison ends.

Definitely not a movie for everyone, but surely worth 80 minutes of your time.

The divinity laughed.


Not worth sixty seconds of anyones time. Insipid, witless, uninspired, building to a hackneyed and pointless 'climax' via some of the worst writing, directing and acting ever seen. No-one involved in this should ever work in film again, just to be safe.



Clean, Shaven is one of my favorite films.

and, yes, that is a better description than the other two.

I don't like it easy. I don't like it the straight way - the knife


My Netflix envelope is word-for-word with yours, except it says Ana is a "lonely, dysfunctional" woman.

I was disappointed by this movie; Netflix made it sound like a psychotic Bonnie and Clyde. I had nothing to do with them being partners in crime.


i just saw the summery of this movie today. ill be looking for it
