When Did This End?

When did it end? What happened?


Sam The Record Man:The Greatest Store On Earth


The final episode was #70. Aired in early August. Reason the DVD sets were delayed.

Episode 69 & 70.

Episode 69: The Morning after the Night Before (Part I)
Episode 70: The Morning after the Night Before (Part II)

Laurel has a few months and then she's off to the U of New York for film school
Mark will go to college at U of Vancouver.
They not sure what will happen to them in the future, but are willing to enjoy what time they have. Oh and yes, they did have sex.

Erin & Gil are back together after returning from Cancun.
Craig & Anika are together (in a weird way).
Shannon and her lesbian GF went camping
Chris & Jenn are back together.
Kevin & Tracy are still together.
Anika's cousin becomes rebel
Maggie hates Laurel.

The show basically ends during the Spring Break of their Senior Year.
