Lance's New Suit

Love this movie for so many reasons. The use of music and colors that explore Barry's emotional state. The movie can take a few times to soak up all that is given. But one thing I have yet to understand is why Barry's worker, Lance, adopts a suit after he see's Barry's suit. Any other insight or opinion's on this.


i would probably say that he looks up to Barry, as Barry is the boss also toward the end of the film it seems as though Barry is giving Lance more credit and treating more importantly for example he takes Lance to the store with him and let's him in on the loop hole he found with the puddings ( remember previously to this Barry was keeping it very very quiet). Barry also left Lance in charge of the whole store for a few days, giving him a bug responsibility.

Anyway that's just how i took it.


A humorous view to this could have been that he was trying to give Barry the idea that it might have been time to change his suit.
