MovieChat Forums > Narc (2003) Discussion > The ending...? Good God! Makes zero sens...

The ending...? Good God! Makes zero sense with it´s P.C...n´it´s pussy.

Sorry to use such immature language,maybe you´ll forgive me in time but what was Carnahan doing? The gritty and raw,the world of a narc shown in all its uglyness,brutal,a few red herrings too many but still,better then none and they often are there to show us the difference between these two men....and then...

Still the reason the here(and mostly there) so mighty Liotta only got an Independent spirit award and a Phoenix critics nom and no Oscarnom(He will unfortunatley never get one cause if you don´t get one for this,Copland or Goodfellas,it ain´t gonna happen,even his unfortunate brother from another mother,Andy Garcia,has one.)and the film doesn´t have a higher rating might partially be related to the has to damn it,it goes from fire and brimstone to happy leprechauns and pink gummibearclouds.

Timmy said to Stan-"Do you remember that scene with Indiana in the refrigerator? It didn´t make any sense,Stan..." That sort of frustrating hopelessness is what Narcs ending makes me feel.

Henry Oak is this beast. An unstable beast but with a heart of gold,he defines the protective paternal figure. He will go out of his way and beyond to make sure the truth doesn´t come out. He doesn´t care if he dies,any hesitation he had about the job was gone with his wife,first through the door etc.

He HAS TO get it to be an official murder...exactly why he couldn´t frame someone who wasn´t involved with Calvess if he is going to break the law but sets up the two guys who not only knew him but saw the whole thing,which Oaks knows is just..I thought of that on e now,yeah,it feels a bit contrived and playing with fire that can backfire as soon as...exactly,Oak isn´t there and the two perps can talk to another cop.

But he finds this girl abused when she´s young,he looks after her and though he Blames Busta Rhymes character for what happened to Calvess,he knows who pulled the trigger. At this point,that woman getting the pension,getting financially compensated seems to be the only thing that drives him. As in;He could give his life for that girl cause at least the truth doesn´t have to come out if anything else.....but see,then his partner shoots him and he is about to die.

And in a moment so extremely out of character(Or is it not? Maybe this is who Oak REALLY is,implying that telling the truth in this case shows that deep down,he´s a really good guy. Right..),he then tells his murderer,who pretty much killed him in cold blood,the devastating truth. "Come here my protegé/Assassin,let me whisper in your ear. it´s just a little detail..."

Tellis was obviously set on finding out the truth no matter what so what did Oak think would happen when he told him Calvess comitted suiciude and that means that his wife gets defeats the entire purpose of exactly every move he´s made throughout the film! He suddenly wants to die with a clean concience rather then protect her until the end and be who he basically is,an overprotective,volatile father? Would a dad sell out his daughter? Outside of Singapore,of course. Kidding. The ending made as much sense as that joke but at least it wasn´t dripping with sugar.

He was just about to make sure a couple of hoods got life or the chair for the event. WHAT did he think,that MAYBE Tellis won´t take this to the chief or put it in the report,sort of wing it? It all got very politically correct all of the sudden and safe.

The ending is for US...the confession is so beyond extremely obvious only for us that it bordelines on insulting,what did we just watch...I still think it´s a good movie,I don´t believe in"A film is only as good as its ending" but damn it,that was so chicken and forced and neat,things wrapped up nicely that greatness slips through its finger.

Carnahan didn´t stay true to the story the whole way or the character of Oak. Liotta did but he didn´t...what do you think,good ending or pretty awful? Great?
