Not the worst I've ever seen

I have to confess, I didn't see the first one, but I liked this movie. That JBJ played the main part could be the reason, but it was not as worst as I thought. But you are right there is a "Blade" thing going on, but I don't like Blade either.



I think you're right about the Joh Bon Jovi element in this film. Either he's really cute or I'm an overage groupie with a raging libido and too much time on my hands. Possibly both. Actually, he can sort of act. It isn't like this part was exactly demanding.

About the movie in general: modern heavy-duty-action-gore-and-car-chase-movies don't interest me. This was much more like one of the 60's and 70's Killer-B horror-monster flicks I'm so fond of. Almost like a late night, long-ago-cancelled tv series. Not an automatic pul-eeeze-find-something-else.

Yup, I've seen worse too.
