MovieChat Forums > The Last Castle (2001) Discussion > For me, this movie is better than The Sh...

For me, this movie is better than The Shawshank Redemption

Just my opinion. Both are good.


Liked it, but no where close for me buddy! That catapault in the yard? I think that would have been noticed? Gandolfini and Redford were great, but just not enough there and i dont think 1 person who saw the movie though he would raise flag upsdie down, fooled NO ONE! So that part was a joke! Didnt fool anyone, and i guess cause the falg isnt at the very top, he couldnt relize it wasnt upside down? You can tell a flag being raised upside down when its 4 inches up the pole! YET HE KEEPS YELLING! Takes till it get to the top to relize? OK???? That ending was joke ans saw comign also, not one suprise! Great acting, but can tell a flag is upright before it`s get to the top. So ending was ridiculous, better ending? And movie is rightup there. But that hurt the movie for me.


This movie isn't in the same league as The Shawshank Redemption. At best, it's second rate. There are just too many plot holes and flaws.

The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery.


The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. Good, but overrated. I enjoyed this film just as much.

Fantastic 'Futurama' Forum!!


Shawshank is much deeper film than last castle, but I was suprised that these two had quite the same entertainment value :)

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I have to say The Last Castle was so refreshing: It was entertaining but not depressing, even though it did a good job of portraying the good, the bad and the grey.

So I can watch The Last Castle over and over again.

Shawshank Redemption is a great movie, but I can't stomach it twice. Too depressing, too intense, too sad.


both of the movies are good every one fight for freedom
