Nathan and Boon

Nathan is that underdog kid that many of us were. We may not have been sexually abused, but for a lot of us out there, we were that troubled kid experiencing a bad home life. We were Nathan, and this movie helps us remember who we were, that we were good kids, but no one knew what we were going through.

Boon is the adult we become. Unfortunately the abuse follows us, and we never really shake it. We always want to save ourselves. That's why he takes Nathan in. Saving Nathan means he can finally save himself.

At least that's how I feel. Anyone else?


Not only is Boon the adult we become, I almost feel like Boone and Nathan are the same character, one is the adult version of the other. By helping Nathan he was making up for his own misery caused by his childhood. I think the director even said something about the one character being the adult version of the other character....

You are right, Boone was saving himself by saving Nathan, Boon is the adult that the neglected child turns into, Boon himself was the adult version of Nathan....

There are a few scenes in the movie where the behavior of the two characters is so similar that it hints at the fact that they are the same person, one is clearly the child version of the other, not only with the similarity of their emotional pain, but in their mannerisms and behavior in general..
