MovieChat Forums > Zenon: The Zequel (2001) Discussion > Can someone tell me what Proto Zoa said?

Can someone tell me what Proto Zoa said?

What exactly did Proto Zoa say when he was speaking into his zap pad. At some point he said something like "what's next. I can't be president because I'd have to have been born in the US, and Pope is out cuz I'd have to be Catholic..." and he goes on like that. Does anyone know exactly what he said?

Ron & Hermione *** Nathan & Haley
The Ultimate Love Stories


Proto Zoa's verbatim is, "As my manager, Les, you should understand better than anybody that someone as undeniably fantastic as me should be doing only undeniably fantastic things. So after being the first rock legend in outer space, what's left? What's next? Well I can't run for president, you got a silly rule about having to actually be born in America, and the Pope's out; I heard that you have to actually be a Catholic. So you see my dilemma, Lester. If I can't find new heights to hit, then I'd just rather be a Havana-Cabana boy than be a burn-out, sell-out, was once, isn't now, but still fabulous-looking rock star."

I think "Captain Planet" is something that should be mandatory to watch nowadays.

Team Jacob!


I just love how this movie saw iPads coming

*Nyan Cat, LGBT Rainbow of Infinity!
