"Bum Biddy" Song

Anyone know where I can get the mp3 to the song "Bum Biddy" from 8CrazyNights? I love that song.

"My friends...you bow to no one." Aragorn


you can download it off of iMesh.

~doNt stOp thE muSic~

*~plAy roX my soX!~*



Watch "Fidler on the Roof" and you'll get answers :)


that's cause it's a jewish song, only sandler revised it 2 sound funny


You can download the whole thing at http://www.moviewavs.com/Movies/Eight_Crazy_Nights.shtml but it's a wav. You would have to convert it to mp3.


go on www.winmx.com download the latest version and go to search and type in the name of who sings it and the song on the bottom it is free and leagle


winmx is not legal. It is a file sharing program not unlike Kazaa or the original Napster.

Sure, the program, itself, is legal. Downloading or offering to download copyrighted material that you do not own the copyright to with it is, very highly, illegal.

As someone who has earned a living based on royalties for what I've created, I frown upon music file sharing.

Legal downloads are available for a very low cost and the downloader is guaranteed to have a flawless copy of the songs they want.


they have a soundtrack.

"T-t-t-t-TODAY JUNIOR!" - Billy Madison


Yeah, go buy the soundtrack, and quit ripping off the people who own the copyrights, *beep*



Unless you're downloading pure rips (i.e. not mp3s) of the CDs you're just not reaching the quality that you'd get from buying music. Ever tried playing an mp3 on a proper sound system, at a moderatly loud volume? Ever noticed the static? Also, there is a certain thing about actually owning an album.

The same argument could be used for downloading movies, books, or just about anything.

In the end I pity you for pitying others for something it seems you don't have a grasp about.


I think that this is actually kind of like a Jewish version of "A Xmas Carol" where we have a nasty, mean spirited person named Davey (like Ebenezer Scrooge) who learns the benefits of goodwill and kindness and repents and sees the error of his ways. Also, we have a character in this movie named Whitey who reminds us of George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life!" This guy feels like he is not appreciated; somebody shows up to prove him wrong, and the townspeople all show up at the end to show their gratitude. There is actually a very good-hearted message in this movie if you watch it with an open mind! Also, I think that it is great that Mr. Sandler always casts his friends and family members in his films. Great work, Adam Sandler!!!



Kazaa isn't illegal and cannot be made illegal, it's just a tool.

Think of it like this, kazaa is like a baseball bat, you can do lots of things with it, plenty of useful and law abiding things. It's not until you brutally murder someone with that baseball bat that you break the law, but should we outlaw baseball bats because they can be used for that? How about knives then? How about nuts? I could kill a nut allergic with them. Yeah, you see how ridiculous the point of outlawing kazaa becomes, or any other p2p network without central servers for that matter.

Now, you obviously shouldn't use those programs for illegal things, but that goes without saying.


All I've gotta say is just go out and BUY (that means give those green things with numbers on them if you didn't know) and you can listen to it as many times as you want without the feeling of guilt. Remember, if you DO go out and download the songs (or any songs for that matter) it WILL get back to you. What comes around, goes around. It will get you in the end, whether you know it or not.


Hey John_Barleycorn what the f * * k was the point in posting the same stupid message to eight different threads? Nobody cared about your stupid opinion in the first place, let alone on multiple occasions. I bet you were a neglected child, and you're just trying to seek attention now. Still, not your fault you were a grotesquely ugly baby and you suffer from a body odour problem that no amount of deodorant will shift. I suggest you do the whole of the world a really big favour and go and jump off the nearest tall building. You pathetic A**wipe.


Troll, troll, troll.... Except you are no good at it. What are you, 8? Or just extremely angry about something? Please, Anxiety, challenge me, because I ruled the usenet when you were in diapers...

I wanna hear you scream.



blends of two different cheeses (Is that supposed to be a commentary on what your feet smell like)?

