MovieChat Forums > Perfect Dark (2000) Discussion > will 2 have the same features as 1.

will 2 have the same features as 1.

I'm just wondering if anyone has heard on the grapevine or found on the many useless sites of the net what features it will have. Will this have Simulants like the original for the N64 which although aged is still damn good. But is microsoft going to force us to use pay for xbox live if we want to have any more that 4 people on the grid on a single box. I hear it has vehicles and stuff in it, although i love halo but i don't want this to be turned into, i also want this to be just like the original, maps with allys, tight rooms, a few open spaces like the siberian levels.

i've posted the same message of both boards.

Death to Michael Greenburg! First he Kill's Apophis now he Kill's Fraser. B*stard!


Dunno.. but there's several things about the sequel that I'm NOT looking forward too.

1) Joanna is American now
2) The game (so far) shows similar style gaming to Halo more than Perfect Dark

(which is crap in my opinion... it needs the same stealth involved as well)

3) She's younger, and they brought her father into... I just think that's too cliche :(
