
MURRAY GOLD! I heard his work on the Doctor Who soundtrack, and if he teams up with Kirkhope and Clynick, they can make an amazing soundtrack for PD: The Movie if there ever was one. Gold has shown me with that score for the show that he can produce ultra-cool spy themes (as seen in Westminster Bridge (a Pixies inspired tune, which coincidentally, the names of that group are featured in PD) and Slitheen) and he can produce those hauting technological themes that were heard. The Doctor Who theme song is especially PD-ish, so what do people think?

Doomsday also fits in with Clynick's PDZ score, as it's haunting and orchestral with a lot of hard rock thrown in.

"You look beautiful tonight!" - Paula Abdul's Kiss of Death


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PRICELESS INFORMATION!! I've been scouring the net for months trying to find not only the OST (which is pricey if found) but the genius behind those haunting, groovy, smooth, killer and innovative beats. Even the simple synths on the 64-bit cartridge were capable of soothing my ears to sleep on late nights at the shooting range in carrington institute. Thank you Murray Gold for almost all of my beat-oriented music inspiration!
