Symphony orchestra?

Does anybody know how Metallica ended up playing a concert with a symphony orchestra? Who came up with the idea?


I believe Michael Kamen knew or was friends with James Hetfield and suggested doing this together.


Metallica got Kamen in for some orchestral work on Nothing Else Matters. The original mix had the orchestra much louder and more prominant. Kamen said that the mix of rock and classical style worked out pretty well and suggested a live concert with Metallica and a symphony orchestra. Metallica considered the idea and then busied themselves with recording, touring, etc. A few years pass and Kamen assumes that Metallica have dismissed the idea. Then Kamen gets a call asking if he would still like to do the symphony and Metallica concert. The rest is history. This is all on a documentary on the DVD I think.


Whatever the story, it's still a great concert. Aside from Iron Maiden, those guys were the only ones who could pull off something of that magetude successfully.


I would love to see Pink floyd with an orchestra, although that obviously won't happen now. I don't know how well that would've worked, either, but Iron Maiden would be choice! Did they do an orchestra concert? Scorpions did one here in my hometown, San Jose, with the Silicon Valley Symphony.


Watch the DVD Documentary, it explains (and shows) the whole process.
