Painfully Accurate

This film came on Lifetime earlier...I watched with tears in my eyes the whole time. Tess's story is a lot like my own.
I've read a lot of your comments and I understand why there are so many questions as to why the mother would take the husband/father back. This kind of thing is becoming more and more common. You'd be surprised how some woman will do the absolute most just to keep a man around. Me personally, I would've put a bullet in his head. And why? I'm way too familiar with the longstanding effects and random bouts of self destruction a girl or boy like Tess will/have gone thru. I didn't tell my mom about the abuse from my stepfather until I was 30. A lot I suppressed and a lot I told myself were only dreams. I actually confronted him before telling her, and he said he remembers some things but a lot, he doesn't because of his past drug use, 20 years he was on crack. Anyway, my mom kicked him out for two weeks before allowing him to come back home. I haven't been inside her house for an entire year, have not and will probably never ever speak to him again, and the only reason why I talk to my mom now is that my son is very close to her. If it weren't for him, I'd wash my hands of it all. Once and for all. I grew up full of rage, I rememeber cutting and later being hospitalized 2 different times for suicide attempts. I was always isolated from my huge family. Including my parents, there are 10 of us. And now we are divided. I don't know if we will ever get back on track. It is the most awkward thing in the world to address let alone try to heal on your own. Therapy has worked wonders.

This film was accurate to me. Even the little brother getting mad at Tess for always "ruining things"...that spoke to me bc things like this are hard to wrap your mind around. And everyone is always affected differently. It's pretty deep stuff.
