MovieChat Forums > The Mole (2001) Discussion > If I was Paul, I would be PISSED

If I was Paul, I would be PISSED

Especially considering how freaking clueless Mark was. How many times he got lucky. I bet if he had beat Nicole on that quiz to make the final 3, there's no way he would've lost. And also, if it had been down to Paul or Craig for Mark to choose from, then he would have had a much more difficult time choosing who to go after, since he didn't have that clue from Clay about having voted Nicole.

Oh well.


No, I think Mark was certain by the last quiz.
Anyway, I thought Paul was going to win the whole thing from the very first episode. I was rooting for him =[

Paul would obviously have done better on the quiz than Nicole, who is really stupid, but I don't know if he wouldve gotten 17 right


Nicole is not stupid. You can't be stupid & graduate from medical school, survive an internship & residency, & go into practice. If I were pregnant, I would happily let her deliver my baby.

Paul may be street smart, but he's not as well educated & his grammar isn't the best.

I was rooting for Mark all the way so he could afford to let his wife be a stay-at-home mom. He's a schoolteacher. They do so much good for so little pay.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Yeah I realize he knew it by the final quiz, but he said he only really knew because Nicole was still in, and Clay got eliminated even when he went for Nicole, that way he knew Nicole wasn't the Mole. So if Nicole got eliminated instead of Paul, then he wouldn't have known between Paul and Craig. He might have still guessed right, but I think Paul deserved to win more, simply because he knew who the Mole was the whole time.


God I totally agree. The whole episode all I could think was how pissed I would be if I were Paul. HE said it was Craig in the FIRST episode.

I wonder how he handled it, bc he has a strong temper to begin with! But I loved Paul and I feel bad for him. However, if he made the final 3 and he and Mark both knew it was Craig, I think Mark would have done better on the quiz. It just goes to show how you play the game is just as important and knowing who the Mole is

I'm glad Mark won though bc he had good intentions with the money.


And so Paul had nothing but bad intentions with that money even though we saw his little girl. I was no fan of the guy either but I couldn't help to feel bad seeing all those times Mark could have gotten eliminated and he would've most likely been the winner defeating Nicole in the finals.


Oh, I didn't mean that Paul had bad intentions at all! He was one of my favorite players.

But I just felt for Mark because he has four kids and wanted to win so bad. I guess it was just that he was more vocal about how his family really could use the money. Whenever people cry, like he did in the first episode, I feel for them. So that was why I felt bad that Paul lost but was happy that Mark got the money


Clay and Vanessa should be just as mad, they barely missed too...


Venessa? You mean Victoria, right? Or is Venessa Clay's wife...

Who knows what would've happened had Paul made the finals with Nicole or Mark. The thing is, he didn't. He sucked at the paintball puzzle and failed to get an exemption, and then he was slow on the quiz.

But yeah, it would be frustrating to find out that the person who beat you got so many lucky breaks, while he only screwed up once...


right Victoria, how she pressed the wrong button on one of the answers and she lost to Mark cuz of that... otherwise Mark wouldn't have even made it to the end...


I think it was just in the stars for Mark to win this. Paul may not have won the money, but I think he's won himself a new career path and will have other success. I could see him getting a fulltime deejay gig or even hosting gig. I'd watch/listen to anything he is on.

Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.


yea Mark definitely needed the money the most...
