I think it's Craig

for several reasons...

- for starters he hasnt won jack money. he won a little bit this week, but that also involved him getting some clothes to put back on. no offense intended but i would think a guy with his figure wouldnt be too comfortable walking around a street in his underwear.

- another thing about last week's episode is how he kept talking to victoria after they crossed the finish line. he made it look like he was trying to help. she even got all 7 fruits in the right order. i think he knew what he was doing.

- there was also something else i noticed in last weeks episode and this weeks. during the pig flying episode last week they were in a small town. his team wasnt doing anything to get money and he wasnt helping them at all. he just kind of walked around as he always does. they went into a store and the guy there was speaking spanish to them and craig didnt do anything to interpret. he and his team just kept walking around the same store. then in this weeks episode all of a sudden he understands exactly what someone on the street yells at bobby and interprets it. if he knows spanish then why didnt he say anything last week in the store.

- the last two things are some what related. i havent seen them all but in previous seasons the mole is always an attractive person who is an active participant in the game. the other thing is the clues they give. there are always clues as to who the mole is hidden within the game. what if for this season they decide to get an unassuming nice guy to be the mole. what if they told him just to hide in the shadows, be nice to everyone, and coast. and what if instead of giving clues for who the mole is, they were giving clues to who the mole is not? the clues thing is just something im throwing out there because ive read a ton of threads with people who said they saw clues about who the mole is. maybe they are giving clues about craig just no body has picked up on them

these are all just different reasons i think craig is the mole. everyone is assuming its someone who is vocal. why cant it be just an average joe who coasts. i didnt see the first episode but i did notice in the 2nd and 3rd they didnt even get to him in the elimination ceremony. maybe they want people to forget about him.


I've been thinking its Craig too, and I have other reasons as well.

1st - He has constantly found weak players to align himself with during the challenges. He was with Bobby on several of them, and with Liz on another. It is easy to slip by unnoticed when paired with someone as weak as Bobby or Liz.

2nd - Him finding the laundromat by accident seemed fishy. He got to be the hero to a lot of people and perhaps diffuse any doubts others might have had about him by doing so. Him showing up at the restaurant didn't really add a whole lot to the pot.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.


One thing that bothers me about Craig is that during the Crusoe mission, he brought back that huge mole sign. Even if he thought it was funny, it seemed pretty heavy to carry over just to be funny, especially with him being out of shape. Same with sabotage. Wouldn't it have been easier to sabotage in another way? And in that same mission, didn't they show him kicking sand over one of the correct items?




Craig has "sleep apnea" ... hardly an immediate life-threatening condition anyone would be taking a gamble on ... and what's wrong with the Mole being a heavier person?


if its a fat person then people are highly unlikely to suspect him (i mean the other contestants)
30,000+ pics so far



It's absolutely not Craig.
Without Craig, they would still be there trying to make that slingshot work.


I agree, also......
in the latest episode:

When Craig has to recieve medical attention he also just happened to miss the one game where his journal would have been read outloud to the group.

in the next episode preview:

If you are going to pick any two people to wear a llama suit together why choose Nicole and Paul. You KNOW nicole will throw a temper tantrum about the lallma suit. AND YOU KNOW Paul will throw a temper tantrum about nicole.
Craig is also in the van that sings the "Paul Free" song. $5 says Craig is the one that starts it, because he's a funny guy. Craig is intentionally adding fuel to the fire.

With this particular Mole Cast everyone is doing a great job of sabotageing themselves. There is no sense of teamwork with them. And most of the money they have lost so far has been due to individuals trying to get exemptions. If I were the mole I'd try to keep this "everyone out for themselves" attitude. Craig is in a great position to control the group morale because he is the loveable one.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtian."


I too think it's Craig (or Alex).


This is off of the abc website where it lists their bios, "Craig has traveled extensively and worked as a humanitarian disaster relief aide worker in Turkey and Thailand." It could mean nothing but it seems fishy that he is all, "I'm from San Diego, I'm not use to any strenuous work."

Plus, I know he couldn't really help not being at the dinner where they played "guess who said it" and burned the journals but that whole game seemed on the spot to me, like the producers were making it up as they went along. They used this Craig's situation against the other players.

Here's my other far-fetched idea, Bobby was always paired up with Craig, Bobby was eliminated but Nicole said, "Bobby was my prime suspect, now i have to start all over." If she has been answering questions according to what bobby has been doing and we know that he is in fact not the mole, then why is she still getting correct answers?!? I know what they say on camera may be one thing then they do another but it seems strange.


The guy almost died to earn money for the pot.
What else does a guy have to do to prove his non-moleyness?
If he's the mole, why not stop before the top and have the ambulance pick him up before finishing the challenge?

BECAUSE he wanted earn money for the pot and prove himself.


I dont want to hammer craig and call him a faker. by the color on his face during the mission id say at least a part of that wasnt faked. in saying that however, when he came back he was telling everyone how he was blacking out and going in and out of conciouness. sorry but if you are blacking out and going in and out of conciouness they dont just let you go. if it was as bad as he was saying, he would have been in a hospital for days. i applaud him for continuing with the mission, but you have to admit him not being at the dinner was pretty convienent. he didnt have to have anything read from his journal, and he didnt get his journal burned. id say this whole thing makes him look less likely to be the mole, but he's still my horse and i'm riding him all the way. mole or no mole the guys definitely got some heart, i will give him that.


I've been on this cat since the first week i saw it (week 2)


I'm hip, daddy-o.


I wholeheartedly agree. I think Craig is the mole and that Paul will win.


I so thank its Craig, and i want it to be him becoes he was my 1st guess and i am naver right when it comes to picking the winner on realaty shows

I know my spelling sucks so get over it
I'm a Buffyist,ask me how! _((B))_


Before, during and after the travelers mission, whenever Craig would speak to the group, it sounded rehearsed. And when he said "exemption" at breakfast and was then appointed to chosse the modes of transportation b/c of it, Alex was no longer my prime suspect. I was then torn between Craig and Paul, but I'm thinking its more likely Craig.

Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.


Yes that "exemption" thing kind of stands out for me too. It just seems odd that he would be the one to say it and it just happened to be the day for him to say it.

Even the shiniest piece of trash is still just piece of trash.


t's also interesting to note that so far, in all the shows that have aired, not once have we seen Craig's results at the end of the program. You know, the bit where the camera shows them worrying for 45 seconds before their 'green' (or 'red') thumbprint appears on the screen.

Maybe it's because he never actually takes the test ;)


Really, trebor? I didn't notice that...kind of strange

the IMDb user formerly known as LuminousMeanGirl


Its true they havent shown his results on air but they probably show all of them and then edit everything for tv.

That may be the reason they havent shown his results though.

Even the shiniest piece of trash is still just piece of trash.


I think it's Mark.


VivienneJolie wrote:

> Really, trebor? I didn't notice that...kind of strange

Kind of strange, but even tonight at the execution, he still didn't come up. :)

absolutenick wrote:

> Its true they havent shown his results on air but they probably show all
> of them and then edit everything for tv.

Rememeber when Alex was the 1st one up and he got eliminated right away? Why would they then bother to tape the results of the remaining people? Besides, once everyone knew who got eliminated, taping the results of the rest wouldn't give you genuine reactions.

So the idea that they tape all the results for everyone every time doesn't really make sense.


Also to consider, his friend "Brendi" looked way too much like him and yet he didn't remember much about her.

Anyone see WALL*E?


Why did she look like him? Because she's overweight like he is? That's silly. Additionally, if you are going on the assumption that these people should know all about their loved ones who came to visit, then you need to cast the biggest cloud of suspicion on Paul, whose been married long enought to have a two-year-old daughter. Craig had been in his relationship for 9 months. I still think it's Craig, but your reasoning is wonky.


I had to work late and missed this week's episonde, darn it! But I think Craig is probably the Mole, followed by Mark, Paul and Nicole.

I think it's important to say that I think that The Mole doesn't necessarily have to directly act Moley or sabotage a mission -- but he can either do/not do things that set other people up to do his dirty work for him. The best example was when he got the exemption and was put in charge of telling the other contestants what to wear during the timed walk. Based on how some people behaved in previous episodes, you *know* that was going to set them off, and it did. I also think that Craig being "too sick" for the evening's dinner when Jon called in all the journals was just way too coincidental. What was happening when Jon took the journals into the back? Craig was there with the show's staff cramming away on details, checking to see who was onto him to determine the next series of moves he'd have to make. And why were the journals burned at night? Why not first thing in the morning? I think it's some kind of stage trick and duplicates got torched; the actual journals survived for Craig and the staff to study. Alex's journal survived because he was set up to be executed later.

People pick on Craig's physical appearance. But if he can lie as The Mole, have a fake biography, why can't his appearance also be a lie? Do you really think the producers would knowingly send somebody grossly out of shape into potential danger? No. Craig is probably a whole lot more athletic than we've been led on to believe. He could be a "Clydesdale" triathlete or runner, which would make him the perfect mole. It's entirely possible that Craig could've been slightly overweight to begin with but also in good shape, and the producers asked him to put on extra weight a la Robert Di Niro in Raging Bull. After the show's over, Craig goes back to the gym and a diet and he's back to normal. When his face turned red while packing the gold bars up the mountain, all he had to do was hold his breath a little. At the dinner he *said* he was passing out and getting chills. The Mole can lie. Either Craig has remarkable powers of physical recovery. Or he is The Mole.



There really is an amateur class in triathlon and other sports generally referred to as the Clydesdale class; women are called Athenas. While there are no professional level athletes in this class that I know of, it's pretty popular because it attracts health-oriented people who want to participate in a sport but also happen to be oversized and super-motivated -- um, more motivated than I am!

So since The Mole passes themselves off as somebody they're not, among other things, it makes total sense (to me at least) that Craig's appearance and behavior belies what he is actually capable of.

I was mistaken by implying that Alex was targetd, so I apologize.


Craig is suspicious sometimes. It could be him. It's possible.


Well it happened again this week: Craig's results were not revealed at the end of the show (green thumb/red thumb).

And to think that Paul even said "Craig, you're up first" and alas, it wasn't meant to be :)


honestly.. the physical thing with craig i think is a little overdone.. he is physically fit not by looks.. but you can tell with a few of his missions.. not only that.. but if you go to his web page.. it says that he is a walker in the breast cancer 3 day.. now seriously.. if he were that out of shape do you think he could walk all that much?


Like I said a few days ago, Craig may really be in pretty decent, even good, physical condition, not only to be able to make it through the missions, but more importantly to fake his abilities or lack thereof. If the producers go to great lengths to coach The Mole on strategy, it would make sense that they make sure The Mole's in the kind of shape necessary to do the job. In this case, who better than a big teddy bear kinda guy who doesn't look threatening to anybody.

BTW in last night's episode when Craig was being guided by Nicole with the camera, Nicole talked about doing laproscopic surgery so she should've worn the view goggles. On the other hand, graphic artists sometimes have to create mirror-imaged production layouts to get the correct final art -- which should be right up Craig's alley if he's any kind of decent graphic artist.

I think what tripped up Paul was he probably took too long to answer the quiz. Even if he took only a second longer than Mark and Nicole, that would've been enough to get him executed. You'd think that Jon would've announced a tie last night, but that apparently wasn't the case. Instead, Nicole thought Paul was The Mole and Mark picked Craig. I thought she looked pretty surprised when Paul got the ax. But Craig was very cool; maybe now that it's down to the hard core The Mole doesn't have to keep his motives so subtle anymore. I will be totally shocked if Craig's not The Mole.



Sorry about totally forgeting Mark's exemption -- d'oh! That's why I think I wouldn't even last the first episode of The Mole! I'd just mess up so bad, which is why it's more fun to watch. I think The Mole's the best reality show on TV, and I'll be seriously PO'd if ABC doesn't bring it and Jon Kelly back next season. Jon is really classy and brings the show to the next level.


I thought about that as well. If Craig is a graphics designer, he should have very good spatial reasoning.


the host doesn't know who the mole is (unless he figures it out)...at least that is what anderson cooper said

therefore, the fact that jon has not entered craig's name could be entirely random, albeit still a little suspicious


ONE MORE WEEK TO GO BABY! As the OP of this thread i'm gonna go nuts when they unveil Craig is the mole next week. It's gonna be awesome


It's going to be unfortunate for you when the unveil that Nichole is the mole!


I totally agree. If Nicole's The Mole I'll be surprised and disappointed in myself that I picked Craig. But that's what makes this show great, and if Nicole's The Mole she gets all the glory she deserves. She's about as evil as Omorosa from The Apprentice, and that's not a bad thing as far as this show goes.



I think it's craig as well. Have you noticed that when something goes wrong in a challege that's obviously his fault, he blames somebody else?

I don't think it's Mark, cause if he is, he's doing a really bad job. His team won a lot of money this week and remember that treadmill thing? He could've easily said he was too tired if he was the mole!

Nicole looks like she's actually trying. She's not the best player but she's not the worst.


Most of the last few players, including Paul, seemed to think it's Craig, based on their private observations during the quiz. Craig, on the other hand, didn't really single anyone out, but his musings on possible "subtle" Mole activity sounded so weak and phony, it was almost painful to listen to.

I was kinda surprised the producers even let Paul in particular talk about how sure he was that it was Craig, but it was nice that they didn't come up with desperate attempts to make it seem otherwise.


I looked in this thread to see if anyone noticed this past week's goof-up, but apparently it was only me and my friends.

In the cell game, they were given cards and put in cells. Then they had to get out, and if the first person out shot the person with the exemption, he got an exemption.

Nowhere in the rules of the game did they allow for the possibility that the one with the exemption was the one shooting. That means the one who had the exemption HAS to be the Mole. He had to wait until at least second to come out, otherwise there wouldn't be a possible exemption.

Do you follow?


The thing is tho, the people that were being shot at (Paul, Craig, Nicole) were all given their suits to wear so they didn't get paint on their regular clothes... The exemption was randomly placed inside on of the suits.

To the best of my memory, Mark did not have to wear a suit. It wasn't predetermined that Craig would be carrying the exemption. If craig somehow managed to be first out, then he would be the one doing the shooting, and obviously not be carrying the exemption in his pocket. He would still have the same chance as the other players at getting the exemption.

I'm not sure if I'm making myself clear or not. It's kinda hard to explain what I mean by typing on a forum....

Anyways, I'm with all you guys, I agree that Craig is the mole :)

Guess we will find out tomorrow night!


He said they were given the cards before they went into the cells. They had to unzip their suits to get the cards out. Will we find out tomorrow? In the first season (which is the only one that aired the "normal way" on TV), they played 2 more games when there were three people left. Then they brought them all into a bullfighting ring or something. Then there was one MORE episode after that where they revealed the Mole from the start, did flashbacks so you could see the clues, and then announced the winner last (both finalists in that series were worthy competitors--not like Paul and Nicole, who are jerks).

I wish the finalists in this series were good sports like the 2 who were left at the end of season 1. I'm apparently in the minority when I say that I don't care to see people like Paul and Nicole go at each other week after week. It seems to me that the one guy (elminiated before Paul--I forget his name) had a fight with Paul in the car just to keep from feeling left out...


I'm having a Craig is the mole party on monday. You're all invited. Gonna be a blast


I'm even more certain its craig. the preview for the finale shows several scenes after saying something about finding out who the mle is. All of the scenes are of craig. Craig jumping over the falls, craig on the luge, Craig bungee jumping, Craig walking on the plank between buildings.

Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.
