MovieChat Forums > The Mole (2001) Discussion > It better not be Mark...

It better not be Mark...

after that teary eyed performance on the first episode about how he's doing this for his family etc
that would be a twisted thing to do.........but then a really good decoy to make people think he's not the mole. i think thats wrong to do that though if he is.


plus he did it in a confessional thing. He doesn't have to prove to viewers that he's not the mole. I count it as genuine.


Are y'all new to the Mole? #1: the Mole is being paid to be the Mole (i.e. He'd still get money for his family). #2: The Mole has to do fake confessionals. Otherwise, you'd know they were the Mole pretty quickly.


That teary eyed performance made me think he was the mole, just seemed so fake to me. But I've since moved on to Craig. I'll kick myself for not trusting my first instinct if it turns out to be Mark.


I think Mark has worked too hard too many times to get money, there's no way he's The Mole.



Mark could have stopped the game at ANY time when he was on the treadmill yet he continued on for i believe 50 minutes or so. IMO no way the mole doesn't take advantage of having the easy out of being unable to run anymore.


Except in season 2, the mole (an ex navy marshall) failed in a mission where he had to tread water. EVERYONE thought this was suspicious (though many attributed this to him "acting" like the mole).

Mark has seen every season of The Mole and understands this. The other players know him to be a runner, there's no way he could sabotage that mission without revealing his identity as the mole.


I guess I'm the only one but I thought Mark acted just like the mole last night! He didn't make good use of time by not using a map, he "ran" around alot but that could have been just for the camera, and he took 4 hours to do his tasks, which seems like a long time to me. He seemed geniunely surprised that Craig did not beat him to the bridge. Not getting there first would have taken the pressure off but then he didn't put the money in the pot. Now, I think Nicole and Craig know perfectly well that he is the mole and keeping the money out of the pot wasn't giving anything away.

Also, on the bomb task, although Nicole screwed the numbers up, Mark was not putting much effort into solving the mission, it was really mostly Craig and then Nicole figuring out purple. I think Mark looked very suspicious last night.

I have thought Mark was the mole the whole time so I hope he is and that Craig wins. If Mark isn't the mole, I can't decide who my next guess would be but I hope at least then that Mark wins!


well Craig was alot more familiar with the area, so that's why Mark thought Craig would arrive first, since it was also a place he really wanted to go to...


Now that i'm so focused on Craig being the mole. Everything he says just sounds like him talking about suspicious behavior of everyone else just because he has to. When he saw that Mark beat him to the case it seemed like he was thinking "crap, he's found out about me." Doesn't it almost seem like the editors of the show are making it seem like, Mark is definitely not the mole so let's focus on him to make it look like the decision is all down to him, just to surprise the viewers more when the mole is unveiled? I don't know, i'm so set on Craig i could be completely blind that it's Mark. Whatever we'll find out.


definitely NOT Mark...

i think it's Nicole or Craig...


Any New Yorkers here? I know this is off topic and apologize but thought some here might want to hear this. Here is what Champ 25 had to say about New Yorkers and 911.

"i live near DC, gosh you NY are so self absorbed... i mean hundreds of people died in the Pentagon as well and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania too... but you don't hear them cry about it all the time like New Yorkers do... it's cuz New Yorkers think the world revolves around them, and that nowhere else has had tragedy.

where i think in 9/11 the majority were older people, NOT many young children.New Yorkers deserved 911."

"the thing with New Yorkers they think the world revolves around them, you do realize that the Pentagon in DC was attacked the same day, and you hear NOBODY even mentions it in DC today... i mean it was 7 years ago... interestingly it was also the last time the Yankees won the World Series."

I know a lot of people who live in New York and for Champ to downplay 911 and label New Yorkers as whiners and say they deserved what happened on 911 is anti American and disgusting. Because it happened a long time ago he feels we should just forget about what happened on 911.



why isn't it Nicole?? no way she made it this far if she wasn't the mole...

and CDC person is a lunatic...


LOL! This coming from the guy who says New Yorkers should just get over 911 and said they deserved it. Yeah, I am the lunatic. If thats a lunatic I will take that any day .Its better than being a racist and anti American. You would not dare say this to a NYPD Officer or anyone from the NYFD. Like the coward you are, you would run away and say your post was taken out of context. (idiot!)



Mark is the only who i think isn't the mole, cause he's the only one smart enough to make it this far... though i think Nicole is pretty smart and sneaky too...

maybe you are right, Craig seems most likely cuz no way he could have made it this far without some help...

CDC, you psycho i never said they deserved it...


Um, yeah you did. You even said 911 happened over 10 years ago. Another one of your numerous errors. Have you ever been right about anything? No, serious. Have you?


you are a pathological liar...


Yeah, I guess all those other posters who have said the EXACT SAME THING I have must also be liars to, huh? You are a drooling talking fungo!


you are the ONLY one making up lies... there are no other posters, just different accounts that you have...


I only have one account and yeah, many other posters. Other females have sent me PM's on the sick messages you have sent them. Only liar here is YOU!


you are a liar and make up stories...


LOL! Yeah, then I guess all the other posters who have said the EXACT SAME THING I have are also making up stories and lying. Poor you. Always the victim. Give it up, you liar!


you are the liar, and no one besides you and your fake SN's say anything...


Not true and you know it. I only have one screen name/account. You just can not imagine anyone finding your sick post offensive and sad now can you?

I have not lied once. Its all there. I do have to hand it to you though. A weasel like you would normally go in and remove/delete the sick slurs and hate speech you spew but you have not. Just shows how right you think you are. You hate SO MANY people its a wonder you have not had the shi* beaten out of you.


you are the racist hate monger... and a liar too...

i think you are in love with me, and hate me cuz i don't feel the same way...



I can not imagine ANYONE being in love with such a racist and hate monger.

You say I am a liar, but can not prove one single lie that I have not backed up.

Sweetie, you need to get laid. FAST! Doesn't matter by who, just get some help little man.FAST!


sounds like you are the one who needs to get laid fast, since you are obsessed and stalking me...

your BF real or imagined is not taking care of your needs at all i see...


No Chumpty, I have a BF. I am doing just fine there.

So, anyone who calls you out on your BS is considered secretly in love with you? I see. What do you possess that you think I am attracted to? Do tell? You do not know a damn thing about women (obviosuly) This is why you stalk and lurk around female forums talking about which ones would be hot in the sack and who has the biggest chest. No, you are the one in desperate need of some action little fella.

Again, you always seem to ask about my BF? Don;t worry about Chumpo. My needs are taken care of. Its you I am worried about. I think an inflatable doll is what you should look for.

Face it, you have serious issues. Get some help (Idiot!)


i think your BF must be an inflatable doll...

why do you follow me around then??

when you truly dislike someone you just ignore them, you don't keep bothering them in a positive or negative way... you clearly want my attention...


You sound like the one who is jealous of my BF. I have a guy who loves me and whom I love. We are happy and you do not and never will have that. You hate too much and don;t love enough. You are a sad little excuse of a man....and you know it. Following you around? Anyone who challenges you or calls you out is either me with another account or a friend of mine. LOL! Paranoid much? Others think you are crazy and hateful, not just me.

I need help? You are the one who thinks the holocaust is a myth and that Hitler is not as bad as the media has made him out to be. You are the one who has numerous posts deleted because of the threats and vulgar hate speech you spew, but I need help, huh? Yeah. I guess you are the one here of sound and mind. What a joke you are Chumpy!

My boyfriend is very real....and you talk about him on the forums 24/7. Hmmmmmmm.

Whats not healthy Chumpo is talking about actresses breast sizes 24/7 and which ones would be hot in the sack. Of course, thats all you do. Talk. Its all you got little man.

LOL! Yeah, then I guess all the other posters who have said the EXACT SAME THING I have are also making up stories and lying. Poor you. Always the victim. Give it up, you liar!


CDC you need mental help, if your BF is real, i feel sorry for him, he must be blind and desperate...

it's funny how you refer to yourself as everyone...

i NEVER said the holocaust was a myth... and you are the one who is jealous of Jewish girls...


Why do you bring up my BF 24/7? I need help? You are the one who thinks the holocaust is a myth and that Hitler is not as bad as the media has made him out to be. You are the one who has numerous posts deleted because of the threats and vulgar hate speech you spew, but I need help, huh? Yeah. I guess you are the one here of sound and mind. What a joke you are Chumpy!

Seems to drive you nuts and makes you angry to hear that I and my BF are actually happy and in love, something you will never be. To see others like this makes you bitter and bitchy.

No Chumpo, everyone meaning other posters and NOT just me. Are that sick where you actually ignore them and put them pout of that little head of yours? So sad.

Jewish Girls? I am jealous? Um, why is that? Do tell. Where do you come of up with these, chumpty?

Look, anyone can research and see for themselves that I am not lying or even exaggerating. You have serious anger issues and problems with anyone who is different and not like you. You have called me the C word so many times your posts have been deleted. You have threatened to 'have me raped' and even advocated violence towards me. THAT is how sick you are and can easily be proven(and has many times when I have posted links and actual quotes) Something you hate me doing and ignore when I present it.

Seriously, get some help Chumpo. Maybe someday you will meet a mean nasty evil girl who can make you less angry. I hear Ann Coulter is still single. She is PERFECT for a little racist hate monger like you.


CDC, you are such a liar, you are the one who follows me and people who look back at the posts can see i posted well before you did on almost all the boards...

CDC is a scorned woman because i turned down her advances at me... i rejected her and now she tries to get her revenge by stalking me and making up lies...

and she makes up a non-existent BF, the fact she posts and follows me on the board proves that it is a total lie or imagination...



I am not a liar. LOL! Turned down advances? Oh gee's! Do you type, hold the bottle and the pipe all at the same time? Seriously.

Look, anyone can research and see for themselves that I am not lying or even exaggerating. You have serious anger issues and problems with anyone who is different and not like you. You have called me the C word so many times your posts have been deleted. You have threatened to 'have me raped' and even advocated violence towards me. THAT is how sick you are and can easily be proven(and has many times when I have posted links and actual quotes) Something you hate me doing and ignore when I present it.

You are the one who thinks the holocaust is a myth and that Hitler is not as bad as the media has made him out to be. You are the one who has numerous posts deleted because of the threats and vulgar hate speech you spew, but I need help, huh? Yeah. I guess you are the one here of sound and mind. What a joke you are Chumpy!

Seriously, get some help Chumpo. Maybe someday you will meet a mean nasty evil girl who can make you less angry. I hear Ann Coulter is still single. She is PERFECT for a little racist hate monger like you.


CDC you need help... you make up so many lies you can't even remember all of them...

you are the one who said Hitler was your hero...

you are obsessed with me and stalk me too...


I need help? You are the one who thinks the holocaust is a myth and that Hitler is not as bad as the media has made him out to be. You are the one who has numerous posts deleted because of the threats and vulgar hate speech you spew, but I need help, huh? Yeah. I guess you are the one here of sound and mind. What a joke you are Chumpy!

Hitler was my hero? In another post you said Charles Manson was my hero. Which is it? You can not even keep all your lies straight. Oh and FYI, I never said you said Hitler was your hero. I said and actually posted your quote with links where you said 'Hitler was not as bad as people make him out to be'. Your words Champ, not mine. I guess your foot slipped back into your mouth. Your hate and stupidity exposed by nonother than Chumpo, the poop throwing drooling village idiot of IMDB. Here's a scooby snack, no go away!

You are a tiny little troll of a man who feels big by chasing female posters and harassing them. What ever floats your boat I guess.

Is there any group or minority you DO NOT hate? LOL! And you wonder why you can not find a woman to love you? A jerk like you will never find true love little fella. Prepare yourself for a sad lonely life (yes, even sadder than it is now!)



get a room you two

Do not steal, the government hates competition -Ron Paul



LOL! My boyfriend loves your posts. He calls you a bloody wanker.

We have been together a while now. Not in a hurry to be married but you sound angry and bitter to hear we are in love and happy. You are so sad.

Serial killers? Rapist? What are you rambling on about Sparky? I think you are suffering yet another brain fart.

Keep in mind, you "question" the holocaust. You says things like "the alleged holocaust" or " 'IF' the holocaust really happened". You also said that although Hitler was bad he was not as bad as people make him out to be. Everyone sees it different, but to me he is down right defending Hitler with comments like that.

You also refer to women as bitches and ho's and has even called me the C word on numerous occasions. You hates gay people, Jewish people, African Americans, Hispanics, and so on. Typical racist and hate monger spewing hate speech all over the forums.

I have witnesses who have actually agreed with me and have seen your filthy posts on other forums. Are they liars as well? You are trying to win a losing battle. You foot has been caught in your mouth again. (idiot)

Chump is the "Simple Jack" of IMDB.

Mmmmmy Bbbb bbbb brain Hhhhhhhhhurts.



Not mine Sherlock. Look again! Still there. 2 days ago is when I posted last.I don't make threats or use sexually explicit language when posting. Your angry tantrums and meltdowns is why your posts get deleted.

Why are you so OBSESSED with my BF? Why do you care if we get married? Maybe we want to live in sin for the rest of our lives. How do you presume to know all this? Like everything else, you can not back up your posts or claims and have no source other than your overactive imagination.

I trash no one but scumbags like you who are racist.

Even the moderators think you are nuts. Why else would they delete your "harmless innocent" posts?
