Did Nicole slip up?

I seem to remember in the subway game, when Jon asked the players to pick the person they trust most, Nicole said she picked Clay because she didn't want Mark (who was chosen by two people) to do all the work. This seemed odd to me, like she knew before hand what the game will be about. Similar to a slip up from the first season in the watch game 'lets pull the trigger on this watch'


She picked Mark because she didn't want Clay to do all the work. At the time when they were picking I was thinking whoever the most people voted for would have to do something. I would have tied it myself to make one person have to go with another and watch them. Maybe that's what she was thinking or maybe it was a slip like you said.


No, her explanation definitely made sense. The other thing was, she says that only to the camera in private. If it had been a legitimate (and more obvious) slip, they could've just not aired it.


i think it would be more interesting if they aired a slip...like they did in the 1st season


My mind keeps going back and forth between Nichole and Craig. All I know for sure is that I am confident that Mark isn't and I really really would like for him to win. I think he deserves it the most. He has been that hardest working and most passionate about the game then anyone else and he seems genuine. And you can tell all the players aren't iffy around him. None of the other players suspect him, which is weird why Craig responded last episodes question of if he's the mole with "No, Mark is."




let's just pull the trigger LOL


Nicole is the Mole. If you look closely while Mark is reading the dossier, you can see her name show through on one of the sheets of paper he is reading. I'm pretty sure that's a huge clue.



Yeah...I was fooled by that one. Oh well! Good call on Craig, though. As for the winner, there's no way to know that. Can't hold a faulty prediction there against you. At least you got the Mole!

"Do you know what your sin is, Mal?"
"...I'm a fan of all seven."
