Freudian Elements...

I liked this movie a lot.. There's certainly a strong undercurrent of psychological exploration, especially with regard to the subconscious.. In several instances we see latent desires manifested.. There is of course the dialogue in the elevator where the women playfully make believe they are lovers..

More poigniantly is the scene in which they hide (was it in a closet?) from the man walking through the building.. In this particular instance the commentary between the two is excellent.. Each scathingly cuts into the other - Paula says Julia's position of corporate authority causes her to have control issues in other areas of life, i.e. punishing herself with excercise and bad relationships with men; Julia then says Paula is a disengenuous underachiever from a rich family who will one day abandon her angst by marrying and begging the likes of Julia for a job..

One more scene that excellently shows repression is when the headhunter lay unconscious.. In addition to marking up his body, the instance where Julia gets carried away with herself and begins punching the man expresses a great deal about her current self and her past experiences.. I do wonder if such a powerful unleashing of energy ends up having an effect on Julia and if she changes her life because of it..

The movie is so loaded with rage and sexuality.. Fueled by the hum-drum yet vicious corporate world, the temptation for the characters to break taboos - and repair their broken selves - are ever-present..


Interesting! Thanks for sharing that.


Did no one else find this film ham-handed? It shows real talent when men can write believable female characters, but this writer/director can't be accused of having it. The dialogue seems forced at times, silly at others. The same could be said for the plot. Interesting premise, but should have been treated by someone else. (And Julia Stiles hasn't figured out that acting as a character who is over the top is not the same as over-acting.)


good post and great catches, especially the closet.

being a guy and very into Stiles (superb actress but also very sexy) I was waiting/hoping the obvious lesbian undercurrents took hold.

until close to the end, I assumed that Paula twigged that Julia fancied her and was simply playing her as far as she could go...grifter style.

Of course I was wrong on both counts..the lesbian undercurrents remained undercurrent and paula wasn't really a grifter. Or was she?

I still don't know whether her story about her being a writer was true or fact, there was a touch or a hint of fight club in Business of Strangers, where fiction was more interesting and exciting than reality and paula was simply a smart pathological liar.

Great movie, despite not getting a chance to see Stiles in action! just kidding. I've seen her in a few films now and she is an amazing actress.


Interesting thoughts.
